How to get spray paint off of a skulladvice or help

Was out in the woods today bone hunting and discovered some trees with bright blue spray paint on them with random names and such. Nearby was a bright blue raccoon skull. Anything I can do to restore it without damaging the bone?

Say it all you want. Doesn't make it true sadly.

Still thinking about my ex after 2 years. How do I move on?Emotional Advice

I'm currently 20 and we broke up when i was 18. She was my first EVERYTHING (kiss, time, relationship, date, etc...) I still dream about her sometimes and I sink into negative feelings when I see her in public, which is rarely. I never got closure and the separation wasn't my idea. I feel like I lost my soul mate and am never going to find a relationship like the one I had ever again. I'm spiraling and can't currently afford therapy like I could. Any advice is appreciated. How do I forget her and move on?


I meant the statue. This sub really needs to GET A GRIP.

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Language: English

Voice Chat: No/ rarely sometimes

Just say you're partner doesn't wash

Yes that's normal. Beautiful tattoo btw

"War is God" and "He is dancing, he says he will never die" are some good mentions as well

Racial slurs and the Judge's philosophies make up the rest lol

Whatever in creation exists without my knowledge...exists without my consent.

I agree, but "Yet" is the big and ugly word in this particular situation. However, if someone can overlook murder, genocide, terrorism and etcetera because the character is cool which the groups who idolize the joker, Bateman, Bane, Chigurh, and senator Armstrong do. Is child molester really gonna be the line they draw it at? Any arguments against these characters fans have always been met with "he's so awesome! Who cares if he's ( blank)?!" Not to mention that the movie could easily throw Judge into the limelight of social media where everything and everyone can be taken out of context. For example, remove the Judges' pedo scene and turn the rest of the movie into one of those little dark age edits like a lot of fans do, and what do you have? You have a character who is a womanizing, multilingual, multi-talented, unstoppable behemoth of a man who can defeat anyone that challenges him in both wit and strength. It's not about the accurate portrayal of the character but the way the character can be portrayed. People like Bateman and Chigurh not because they're murderers but because they're stoic, well-built, and headstrong characters, same as the Judge. I give it 2 weeks before an edit of the Judge slaughtering innocent people is turned into one of those "Alpha male" edits lol

Arguable. Remember, we live in an age where serial killers, mass murderers, and rapists have fan pages on Tiktok and Tumblr. Judge could easily become a "literally me" character, especially if the movie does too well of a job portraying his strengths or stoicism. Look at Anton Chigurh and Patrick Bateman, for example. Both horrible serial killers for their own reasons, but because they have desirable traits, including strength and extreme stoicism, they are some of the most hyped "literally me" characters. This movie has the ability to make a very dangerous "role model" of The Judge.

Anytime I think my simplified farcry 3 tatau tattoo is in bad taste. Posts like these roll around and make me feel alot better

Fuck the walls. I'm in your microwave


I have a girls body parts, but I am a man... the beauty of a deep freezer.

In my opinion? You don't. I felt the same way as you do at one point but I changed my opinion, and the simplest answer from my perspective is this. People who are covered in tattoos either have a style they like and go to an artist or artists who they allow to do what fits said style or they're like me, a per who looks at their body as a canvas and basically say "I like that! Let's get it inked". Start following tattoo artists and get ideas from there, build a relationship with your artist and tell them what you like and see what they churn out, or start looking at things you like and start basing tattoos off that. It's your body, your money, your life. Get what you want and when you want it.