You'll be able to rise up once your /rally doesn't look like you're asking for 'uppies'

Yeah, I saw it a few days ago too... And I'm pretty sure it was here... Weird that the bot didn't recognize it....

4 hours later and they haven't apologized... Now that's just rude fake gasp

A great day to have eyes, in general

:Portugal: Western Balkan

Leave the rest of us out of your weird habits Tiago! I don't want to suffer Italy's Wrath, ty

How does it feel to have survived a meteor that wiped you out? (Pun intended for both irl dinos and 1.0)

So if I go back to them, would you recommend going at them unsynced just for the story?

I honestly thought that when >! Meteion did her weird cackle after we killed Zodiark. I thought it was Hydaelyn laughing from being released by Zodiark's shackles !<

Tbf, the US normalized violence a long time ago. Even more with guns.. I'm not justifying it, mind you.. just pointing out the amount of brainwashing most people over there seem to have when it comes to violence.

Wait.. what's wrong with coils? I've skipped them cuz they weren't required and my friend told me they weren't very good... Fast forward 2 years later and that's the only major side content I've missed completely...

That's where we are...

It looks like this subreddit just came down on them full force lol

It's so late in the patch cycle you're now getting the most absolute casual players that got to that part of the story late. I've had my fair share of run ins with that part of the community. You're just noticing them more cuz the veterans are probably on break until DT drops.

:Portugal: Western Balkan

I hate you... Take my upvote

Em quantos formulários submetidos já vais?

I got an audio glitch from leaving the text from the 1st boss too long apparently, but reported it afterwards