“You were the chosen one!” is said in the context of “but you turned into an evil piece of shit and ruined it.”

There’s nothing wrong with being we-have-Mandy-patinkin-at-home.

Comments left on her videos. If these are really harmless comments what’s the point of telling on them?

Of course. It’s a known fact women are never harassed on social media.

When the moon in the sky is like a big pizza cat that’s amore!

They think it’s some victory over the LGBTQ that… Checks notes: time passes?

See you next June you giant snowflakes.

I meant older kids, aka the young teens. They are a bit smarter.

It seems to be good enough to work at the youngest kids. The older teens won’t fall for a nice clown act anyway.

The party of law and order only except not law. Or order.

The Terrifier movies would be nothing without David Howard Thornton.

I liked the interpretation that he is trying to lure them as a clown, but he can’t help being a cosmic alien weirdo. Like a really bad-at-his-job playground pedophile trying to lure kids by trying to act nice.

You’re not even telling them “my dad is dead”, you’re telling them “my dad is dead 😭😭😭😭”.

Trans woman: I don’t feel like a man

Dumbfuck: but you have a massive wiener! Haha, owned!

Superman can make millions from sponsorship/modelling/monetized YouTube.

And there we have it. People refuse to use the cis descriptive because they want to make transgender people feel abnormal and not "real" man/ "real" woman. Thank you for at least saying the quiet part out loud.

I'm an atheist cis white gay male. All of these are true and don't contradict the statement "I'm male".

It's a bit like saying I'm annoyed to be referred to as a white male because I'm "just a male".

It's a dumb thing to be offended about. You act like he graffitied your house with the word.