Picked the game back up after finishing Paper Mario TTYD and gotta say, now that I'm not just trying to complete tower of doom, its a nice casual experience.

It really scratches that, XCOM/Phoenix point itch for me but without having to invest my entire time on a campaign and use my whole two brain cells in base.

It also scratches that rogue-like itch even though I do think its bare bones and nothing compared to isaac (though most rogue likes don't ever compare to that one.)

I do like that items feel much more viable in this mode. Especially pow blocks when you need to destroy portals and the extra movement shoes for when you need to get the heck out of an area.

Sure I do think that, leveling up your characters and sparks is slow, collecting coins after each fight is tedious and feels like padding and I wish there was a better mid boss and more final boss options BUT- its still fun. I've just been playing normal now so my brain can go brrrrrrr..

Its honestly a decent and fun rogue-like dlc.