Hi! Been borrowing a Prusa from a friend and am obsessed. Problem is it seems too tinkery and for cost am looking for something else

Budget: ideally under $450 CAD Location: Canada

Will mostly use for printing little items like fidgets, maybe some minis, containers and boxes for my kid who loves to put things inside things. And TCG items. Won’t venture too far outside the PLA realm, might try PETG or TPU but not a priority

I’m torn between the A1 mini and the Flashforge 5m

I want to get a .2mm nozzle for the possible printing of miniatures. A1 mini would be cheaper with the nozzles added but the print bed is smaller. Ultimately the most important for me is reliability

No need to resort to name calling and using derogatory terms. I would agree that the agent either didn’t know or didn’t want to deal with a cancellation. And that OP should definitely talk to someone else

Do you think that Rogers executives have sit downs with the customer service reps and ask them how things are and what they think? And if they did take the time to sit down do you honestly think they would truly care what they think? Also I have had 0 trouble getting a refund for things that fall within what I assume the policy is like outages. I literally just got one for a roaming charge that I received while being close to the boarder
I can’t say for sure but it definitely sounds like Rogers holds them by the balls and CS people are basically there to relay policy and can only do what falls within that. Even if they wanted to make an exception it will get reversed when Rogers audits the credits. I have worked for other cell companies and it was the same shit, I don’t see why Rogers would be any better in those regards. The amount of times I wanted to credit for a long distance call when someone thought they had a package to cover that and it’s the first time is through the roof. But if I did that then when audits came around they’d put that amount back on the bill because the coding doesn’t cover that and it wouldn’t have matched the reason code I had used

Op isn’t doing any of that. Take it to someone who actually can do something. CCTS, CRTC, BBB literally anyone who isn’t an employee at Rogers. I agreed there is a ton of greed but the point OP is making is there is no reason to yell and be rude to CS representatives since they don’t have the power to do anything

I get what you’re trying to say but having worked telecom CS myself they have almost 0 ability to do anything. If it’s not noted in the account they can’t do shit. Yes the calls are recorded but a basic CS rep won’t have access to that and you’d have to speak to a manager. So really the job a of the CS rep is to relay the information available and recite policy. It’s fucked up definitely but they are “just doing their job”

Here’s my 2cents I’ve worked frontline for cellphone companies in the past. Both retail and CS. I whole heartedly agree that no one should have to “get used to” the yelling and certainly not the racism or abuse given by certain customers

As a CS rep I wanted to help (lots of them do also) but start with the yelling screaming, indirect name calling (ie. you guys are stupid, idiots, liars, thieves) they are going to shut down a bit to protect themselves but also continue to try and do their jobs which ultimately would hopefully lead to a resolution for you. Unfortunately (as in any job) there are going to be people who really shouldn’t work for those companies, they don’t care, they are dumb, etc. that’s just a fact of life and we kind of have to accept that (this goes for any company) When I was dealing with customers that were raging angry I would much rather they ask for a manager (accept that there will be another long wait) and be on they way (Policy where I was is that you couldn’t transfer unless it was asked, I couldn’t suggest it). Asking me over and over to credit would never get you anywhere, all I had the power to do was to see if within policy, if so then I could help (credit) and if not it then nothing could be done. The amount of times I was asked can’t you just credit it anyways… no because if they audit the credit (which the did) they would reverse it if it wasn’t for a legitimate reason (which matched whatever credit code used) For the few comments I’ve seen, no you can’t just yell at your boss because a customer yelled at you. I know 0 work places where that would be acceptable, yes can they talk to the TM about why you were yelling.. but the TM is there to support the reps (so saying yell at them so get them to improve the company is pointless) If you are that mad REQUEST TO SPEAK TO THE MANAGER (no it won’t be the agents TM because that’s not their role) or escalate to the CCTS, the office of the president, or whatever exists beyond the people who are accessible through the phone daily, because honestly, they can’t do much.

As a customer I truly understand the wait time is ASS and when the call drops it adds fuel to the fire, but unless anything has changed I know most those call centers maybe have 10-30 seconds between calls and it’s not just a matter of clicking a button to call a cx back but requires inputting the number in, if the call drops unexpectedly most people probably aren’t quick enough to realize and get that number put in and dialed out before the next call comes in. And before anyone says it, yes there should be an easier way but there isn’t, I’m sure (most times) that rep would have at least wanted to try and resolve the issue. I absolutely hate speaking to any kind of CS over the phone because like many people experience nothing by gets resolved, or they say it is and then it really isn’t. But I NEVER yell at the person because that won’t get me anywhere. I will usually ask for managers if I feel the resolution isn’t there or for another agent if I feel like I am being misunderstood

I think the biggest difference I noticed between working retail and over the phone is similar to a keyboard warrior. People feel more at peace or comfortable being rude and belittling someone when they aren’t being watched and can’t see the other person. I definitely had a fair share of people yell in public but they really have to think about if they want to embarrass themselves like that (though if they are willing chances are they aren’t going to be embarrassed). I bet you 80% of the people who act like that on the phone would seldom do it in public. For those who say “you’re the face of (insert any telecom company here) so you have to take it” would you apply the same principle to a cashier at a store? If the price of something was $1 Monday and then $5 on Tuesday would you take that item to the cashier and start screaming at them just because “they are the face of the company” And yes OP could look for another job that may not be for a greedy corporation, but 3 problems there 1. Most are greedy corporations (we just accept some of them more blindly) 2. $20 an hour depending on province is pretty good for a job that doesn’t require a degree 3. Not sure about where all you guys live but jobs are hella hard to come by, let alone one that might give the flexibility needed and the pay required to live.

Anyways to sum it up. All the cellphone companies have flaws and they all suck. Just remember there is a human on the other end of that phone and if you think that it’s worth ripping them a new one then maybe just hold your tongue, ask for a manager or go way above that and start at the CCTS because as it’s been pointed out… the people on the phone really don’t have the power to do anything outside of the company policy (which again, sucks for consumers) Change won’t happen unless it’s done outside the company itself unfortunately