Hey, are you in the UK? I’m wondering if I’ll have to push them to acknowledge it? Maybe if I get a sleep study they will pick up on it?

Glad you managed to get treatment!

Were you waking in the night with palps? How often?

Good shout. I’ll see what they say when I go in two days, hopefully they’ll refer me to the sleep clinic!

If not I could always try what you suggested. Thanks

I am having these exact symptoms. Some nights only once a night and always between 40 mins of an hour of being asleep. Some nights it’s multiple times. At first I would panic every time and think something terrible was happening. Sometimes I can ignore it and it goes away fast. Weird this is I don’t always feel super anxious with it which made me worried it wasn’t anxiety. Did you find out what it was?

Did you always feel anxious when it happened?

Finally getting somewhere.. maybe

Female 34, Tall, normal weight for height.

About 7 months ago I was waking during the night gasping, sometimes just sweating, then I’d panic and my heart would pound and race. It went away for a while then came back again this March, no gasping this time but I would wake up like wide awake then 10/20 seconds late my heart would start beating hard and then speed up and I’d panic. It’ll happen for maybe 3 or 4 nights then stop for a week and then maybe a night here and there and rinse and repeat. Now I wake up and it instantly starts to beat hard but doesn’t go very fast and if I don’t react it goes back to normal within seconds, I can breath fine and then I’ll sleep the rest of the night fine. Only one night it happened every hour until 5am, when I finally had a panic attack I then slept solidly until 8am.

I’ve been to my doctors a load. Had an ECG which was fine, waiting on holter monitor results. Blood tests. I’ve begged them for a sleep study and they said they would consider it but my doctor doesn’t think it’s sleep apnea and she said she would refer me to the palpitation clinic maybe rather than a sleep study.

I’m so nervous that what if it is sleep apnea and they don’t send me for that study. I’m starting to get exhausted from the worry.

I’ve considered an at home study if they don’t send me for one but worried it might not catch it, especially if it’s UARS.

Thank you for the recommendation. I’d love to learn to drive for the freedom and sense of accomplishment. When I can afford to, I think I’ll book some lessons in.

Question about siblings and CPTSD

I’m currently the only one of my sibling diagnosed with CPTSD, one thing that makes me question the validity of my experience is why so I struggle the most out of the four of us.

My older sister went to University right after school and became successful and is happily married. She does have some anxiety similar to mine which she opened up a little recently but on the whole seems more functional than me. My sister did go NC with my dad at 14 which I think saved her from a lot of crap.

Me - dropped at school at 16, started doing some drugs and drinking. Got into multiple abusive relationships, continued seeing my Dad who was emotionally manipulating me until I was 24 he was killed in a fight when I was 27.

Younger brother number 1, went to Uni and is settled down with his fiancé and has a very high powered job. He uses humour but never talks about feelings but is a kind person and I don’t see any mental health issues there. He also cut my dad off a few years before I did.

Younger brother number two, he’s more sensitive like me, luckily my Dad moved out when he was around 7/8. He’s had issues with weed and bad relationships and struggled with jobs a bit like me, but he seems to have less anxiety than I do.

I just find it weird that I’m the most dysfunctional, I was a very sensitive/empathetic kid and I think this didn’t help in my household where we were walking on eggshells around my dad and having a mother who was quite cold to us.

Has anyone else had a similar experience?


Yes, I really wanted to finish learning to drive but in the last two years my trauma symptoms got a lot worse after trying EMDR and now I’d be too nervous to as I think I could easily fall asleep at the wheel if I had been too heightened!

It’s such a strong feeling isn’t it.

Yes, mines so heavy that I cannot stay awake even if I try, it always seem to follow a day where I’ve talked about my traumas or tried to process some of it. I’m glad it doesn’t happen to you as often anymore.

What helped you with this?

It’s strange because I don’t even think I realise how hyper vigilant I am anymore because it’s just my normal state but I’ve noticed if I forget about it and enjoy myself, I’ll suddenly start to feel extremely anxious as if something terrible is about to happen or I’ll just get that drugged crashing fatigue, I think that’s similar to what you describe when working on your anxiety also, it’s like the trauma part kicks in as soon as I begin to relax or enjoy anything just a little.

The way I describe it is that there are too many moving parts in my life that I need to watch, it’s why I hate crowds because so much is happening and I can’t be aware of it all, I’ll then start to feel dizzy and anxious, sometimes I’ll dissociate and I can’t take anything in at all, it’s like someone’s switched my brain off, if this keeps going on I’ll then have a melt down where I get super irritated by noises, lights any kind of stimulus. Then my body will start giving me awful symptoms, headaches, muscle aches, digestive issues, depression. And then rinse and repeat.

I’m sorry you struggle with this, maybe sleep is the only place we feel safe, well when I’m not having nightmares. I think that’s why I go to sleep so late sometimes because I can avoid dreaming. If I go to sleep too early I’ll wake in a panic or have nightmares that wake me up, that probably adds to the fatigue.

DAE get sudden sleepiness

On and off for about 7 years I’ll get these weird periods where, I’ll feel fine in the morning but then suddenly I start to feel quite tired, I can usually ignore it but then I’ll suddenly feel like I’ve been drugged, it’s such an intense exhaustion that I have to go to sleep, I can occasionally by pass it and I’ll start to wake up again. I usually have to nap for two/three hours.

Ive noticed that it is usually when I let myself relax even just a little and let my guard down if that makes sense, it happens a lot when I go to my best friends house because I feel safe with her. It also happened a lot when I was doing techniques to reduce anxiety, at work or other places, Id feel the anxiety go away and suddenly I would be so sleepy. Sometimes I’ll wake up panicked as if my brain is reminding me to be on guard.

I used to worry it was medical, I do have slightly low iron stores so it’s possible it’s related to this. But it can go away for months and my energy will be fine. Then when I’ve been remembering trauma or working on myself it’ll come back with a vengeance. It also happens when I’ve been in stimulating environments or a lot has been happening in my life. I have OCD also and like a quite a constant routine so if this changes I can find it overwhelming. My new therapist says it’s because I’m constantly hyper vigilant that my system is exhausted and as soon as a relax my body wants to sleep.

My teeth are bad

I’m 34 and have had issues with my teeth for 10 years, I was bulimic and anorexic but am recovered now.

I always brushed my teeth but there were times where I was probably badly malnourished and also throwing up does it’s own damage.

I have a large chunk of one of my molars missing and have had to book in an emergency appointment for Monday. I also have a huge phobia of the dentists, I also have GAD and PTSD.

I lost the exact same molar on the other side of my mouth 10 years ago, I feel so ashamed I couldn’t fix my teeth, I look after them much better now but where I’ve had large fillings it seems to have eventually damaged the tooth.

I just feel so embarrassed and scared about it. Luckily my front teeth are ok and you can’t really see the damage at the back.

Just needed to get that off my chest.

Loss of hope

I’ve been struggling with my issues for a long time, but I always had hope when I was in my 20s, I could always say at least I’m still young so it’s ok I haven’t figured things out and still struggle, unfortunately I suffered multiple traumas in my 20s, and at 27 my dad who I had an unhealthy relationship with was killed.

After my Dad was killed things went down hill as I began to feel very suicidal but it also made me work harder to fix my issues, I stayed single for 4 years and went to Uni and got a degree.

In the year since I finished uni my mood has got worse and worse. I feel like I’ve lost hope, even though I’m working in the job I always wanted even if it is just part time, I feel hopeless, I’m 34 now, still smoking cigarettes despite trying to quit multiple times in 3 years, I’m only a light smoker (5 a day ish), I don’t drink anymore, and don’t do drugs. But I feel like I’ve probably ruined my health, I have emotional flashbacks quite a bit, dissociate when triggered and stressed. I have a loving partner but I feel like I just make the relationship difficult by feeling depressed. I do also have OCD and severe anxiety issues.

I had to sack my therapist because he was breaking boundaries but I can’t afford a proper trauma therapist, I just feel no hope for getting better. I try so so hard to regulate my emotions but I can’t talk myself out of how I feel.

Can I ever feel hope again? I sometimes feel like too much has happened to me for me to ever trust the world again or feel safe.

Therapist triggered meTrigger Warning: Sexual Assault

I posted a week or so ago about my therapist who sent me a text saying “Do you hate me now lol??”

I never replied to him, and I won’t be seeing him again. Since then my IBS symptoms have come back so strong and I can’t stand my boyfriend trying to kiss me or be affectionate, this happens when I’m triggered, I kind of shut down. A lot of my trauma is men related. Sexual assaults, bad boundaries and not sexual abuse from my Dad but sexual comments etc when I was a teen and a young adult etc.

I really wanted to trust a man again. It’s been so difficult. I think I attract scary men sometimes. My last landlord stalked me and made my life a living hell until I moved out because I asked him not to hang out in my garden without telling me and he was upset when he found out I had a boyfriend. And now this weird therapist thing. It’s brought back the feelings of being faulty and somehow shameful sexuality, like somehow I send a signal out that I want to be abused or treated as a sexual object? It sounds absurd but I feel like there’s a weird beacon on my head. I keep going over all my therapy sessions and wondering what I did wrong? Was I too friendly, smile too much? Too vulnerable.

I know in my rational mind it isn’t my fault but the part of me where my damage lives, the part of me that feels so wrong is convinced it’s my fault again.

Just hate this feeling. I can’t afford a new therapist right now so I’m out here what feels like alone.


I did not express any hatred towards him, I just disagreed with what he stated, the discussion was my distrust of doctors after being misdiagnosed for a year, he kind of hinted at me possibly being arrogant and thinking I know everything, which annoyed me a little as the point I was trying to make was I felt let down that I was fobbed off for a year when I had something very real happening with my health. Anyway after that in session, he said do you hate me? And I said no and started defending my expression of frustration at being misunderstood. It really upset me as that was the first session where I managed to cry properly, and he’s always telling me to express my emotions and then when I did I felt he spent the rest of the session shutting me down and then making it about my feelings towards him.

I felt so rough after alone after that session.

So then he text me saying “I’m here for you anytime”, then the text asking me how I was, I said I was ok, as if I don’t reply he will keep texting saying he’s worried about me, and then he sent the “do you still hate me?? Lol” text.

Just want to give context to the situation.

I can’t see him again after this, I just feel so anxious now without any therapy and it’s made me feel more scared to ever see a male therapist, it was a big step for me to go and see a man as i struggle with trusting men in general due to my trauma but this has really made a big dent in my progress.

Oh yes I’m not going back to see him ever again, I just can’t trust him. I think I posted because part of me felt like I was being a bit silly or maybe reading too much into his actions. But I feel like maybe I’ve been too relaxed and let him push boundaries more than I should have.

34 female here and very few friends, close to my brothers and one friend I talk to regular. I get lonely and I think it’s probably more common than we’d like to think.

I understand the feeling of missing out, I attended my brothers engagement party recently and they had so many friends there, I was thinking how if it was my party there’d be less than half the people there.

It helped me to get a dog, as I socialised a bit more but my dog got bitten and is now frightened of other dogs so I now avoid people on my walks. Maybe finding a hobby or group could help you branch out and meet others?

I’m scared to report him as I’m worried that somehow I’ve caused this to happen? I have texted him between sessions once when I was feeling very depressed asking for some resources to help me until my next session, rationally I know that this is fine but I almost feel like I’ve brought this on myself, on maybe it’s because I discussed sexual trauma with him and now he thinks he can push things with me, it’s as if me being more vulnerable has given him more power?

It’s weird because I was so hesitant to talk to him about things that happened to me of a sexual nature, because I was worried somehow he’d enjoy it? I think in my gut I knew something was wrong but I’ve been feeling so vulnerable lately I just kept going, I also can’t afford a more expensive therapist and his rates are so good, plus he offers me free sessions, but then again maybe that’s really weird.

It honestly makes me feel sick that I’ve shared so much with him and he’s made it so weird. It’s really hurtful. Trust is a huge thing for me, and I trusted that he would stay professional.

I think I feel like it’s a bit my fault, I did a counselling course, and he is aware of this, so maybe he sees me more equal somehow? I’m not sure. He’s does seem to talk to me more like a friend than a client, he often asks for reassurance from me, do I like him? Etc. but you’re right it isn’t therapeutic, and I can’t tell him anymore about my sexual trauma as I just don’t feel safe with him.

Yes when I brought up being uncomfortable, he said “I didn’t mean to make you feel like that, I text all my clients to ask how they are etc” then he kinda guilt tripped me so I would back track, his time of voice and mannerisms were very indicative of him being hurt by what I said.

Yes I am female and he is male.

That session was the first time I spoke openly about an assault I suffered as a teen so I was feeling particularly vulnerable, and I’ve just found out I’ve got some health issues. Now I feel like I have to placate him by saying I don’t hate him, I already did that in session as I felt guilty for admitting I was annoyed at him. It just doesn’t feel safe now, I feel very anxious and have been having panic attacks since he sent that text.

I might post there, I don’t want to make a big fuss, but then I think he knows I’m like that, I hate thinking I am being dramatic, he knows he can get away with more maybe?

Mine is exactly the same as yours 14. I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better. My doctor was the same , they didn’t think it was that low but the fatigue I’ve had was so bad for so long.

Therapist boundaries

I’ve been seeing a therapist for maybe 6 months, he’s a good price as I can’t afford an expensive one and he did say he specialised in trauma.

Anyways there’s a few things he’s done that I feel are questionable- texting me late at night, today he text me “do you still hate me??? Lol” this was referring to our last session where I felt annoyed when he challenged me on something and it was triggering for me, instead of focusing on why I felt annoyed and exploring that he had said during the session “do you hate me now”

He has offered me some free sessions saying I can pay him back when I become super successful and he also reassures me a lot that I am a good person etc etc.

It’s just not what I expected out of therapy. I’m starting to feel like I owe him something, and that I have to please him in a way which is making me feel so uncomfortable.

I did tell him originally that it made me feel uncomfortable when he text me late at night and asking me how I was after sessions then if I didn’t reply asking if I still wanted my next session, he said he wouldn’t do it anymore but then he’s now doing it again.


Thank you for the suggestion. I really think getting my anxiety in check is top priority as I just can’t function or focus properly when I’m so worried.

I’ve lost weight really fast recently due to stress and I’m disconnected from those around me. Maybe it would help me.

I much prefer natural remedies to medication so I will have a look at this supplement.

It’s weird, when I was away in Scotland I noticed I was needing a wee more, and some nights I’d had a dry mouth but nothing that’s been constant? So I wasn’t sure if that was linked to my blood sugar or just a general thing due to not drinking enough or drinking a lot.

Have you been struggling with that?

I’ve just found out I’ve for pre-diabetes too, A1C of 6.2 or 44mmol. Not sure if I have the hyperglycemia but I’m assuming I do with the high A1c.

Happy to talk with you