Exactly... They've put literally an actual Nazi as chairman in the 50s, visibility isn't a problem

Nato don't care about Nazis... They even had some Nazi chairman...

Bom, se isso fizer as prefeituras construirem infraestrutura pra bike e cadeirante, que venha...

Mas imagina esse tio aí no corredor da marginal

Well, it has a bit of similarly with the black Panthers praxis. Carrying the guns to avoid being approached by the police, while doing something for the people in need.

Whoever wrote this needs to share the pipe...

I came from outside the NL with a sponsor. There are 2 main things that I can think about this.

  1. Relocation costs.
  2. Time to start working. The visa can take up to 3 months to be emitted, and you can only start working with a Dutch contract once you are here and with a visa. The company that brought me hired first with a freelance international contract until I arrive in the NL, then we switched to the regular Dutch contract

Você quer saber qual o papel ATUAL do estado brasileiro, ou qual ideia de papel um estado genérico deveria ter?

With Biden in this mental state, ask yourself, who is controlling the country?

Get a country without news outside of it, where people will have issues to find reliable information from the inside. Then you create any kind of lie you want without anybody to verify it.

  • You cannot cut your hair this way
  • You need to push the trains yourself
  • Their leader invented everything that exists
  • They won the FIFA world cup (Brazilian troll here)

And second, Koreas are still at war, would you trust kyiev news about anything over Russia, or major US news about Palestine?

Tuas recomendações do Google devem ser interessantes

Isso seria massa, mas ainda não temos poder suficiente. Somos muito dependentes do dollar, e os EUA ainda são um dos maiores parceiros comerciais

Se você trabalhar direitinho, eles te dão o benefício do horário de almoço pra usar o microondas

Esse é meu medo...

Esse cara é um Bolsonaro que realmente trabalha. Se o bozo fosse minimamente competente ele teria sido reeleito, o Tarcísio infelizmente tem essa característica.

I like him speaking about trains, and logistics infrastructure. Doesn't need to go further than that

Without understanding NATO, and thinking that Russia-Ukraine war is a us-them conflict, you fall into the propaganda from both sides.

And comparing it with Israel-Hamas conflict is shallow. One is an interimperialist war, the other is an extermination conflict.

Trem das onze o refrão é "faz catigudum", eles vaoz cantar também

Cara, se você toca bem, samba é o caminho. Da uma caixa de fósforo pro gringo e manda ver no violão

  • Trem das onze (Adoniran)
  • Naquela mesa (Nelson Gonçalves)
  • Preciso me encontrar (Cartola)

But that is the point, they are doing something similar to what the ludittes did, and they weren't able to stop the industrialization either, because they weren't attacking the root, only the tool.

If your mother catches you hammering nails in her dinner table, will she blame the hammer?

I'm having some similar problems... After trying for almost a year to get mental treatment, now I'm completely stuck due to depression...

But I found out that you can have private psychiatric sessions in any other EU country and the prescription is valid here.

The company that I work is helping, got me a psychologist and I'm on sick leave

You are confusing necessity with wanting for pleasure. Excluding some works that require it, and some (few) cities that don't have a railway connection, you really don't need a car.

If you want to, it is ok to have a car and move around, but it is not a necessity.

You can also take into account that you don't need a car here, in 2.5 years I only had to drive when my father with mobility issues was visiting, otherwise you can do everything by trains, bike, public transport