M21; straight (into women only); dominant. I'm a ‘conventionally attractive’ person in pre-T and I've done everything. I shrug it off; I get insecure tsunderes on my tail. I try to become vocal, and I still get insecure tsunderes on my tail.

I dislike being placed on a pedestal because then it's like they're attracted to a fictional version of me. I'm socially pressured to perform more femininely. Perhaps they like the woman ‘AU’, so to speak. I'm more of a father figure.

How do I deal with an influx of cis men feeling as though I threaten their worldview? If it helps, I live in Asia. I'm guessing they haven't seen a diverse representation of the transmasculine identity.

I have stayed trans before puberty (I realized it when I was two). My parents raised me like a man. I have only experienced mistreatment in schools where I can't influence individual students' upbringing.

I have zero problems with dating so the way I see it, it's like I've turned these tsunderes gay, for lack of better descriptors. It's sad how immature and passive-aggressive these young adults deal with their confusion. I get stared at, I receive mixed gestures of kindness and barbarism... I've also tried wearing gender pins alluding to my preferences. Zilch.

Sorry for the lack of extra specific instances. Each isolated interaction is microscale. The phenomena in collation made me decide to write a thread. It only happens in my college building—the same one where its culture seemed to have frozen in the 1990s. It's nestled in the medical field.