I love the cardarine cancer people. Everything gives you cancer at this point how the fuck cares. I’m pretty sure cardarine in this cycle is one of the least harmful things🤣

Do you have calorie intake during all of this? You’ve clearly done your research btw. Haters gonna hate they just jelly they didn’t get these results. Too scared to pin.

I got people on TRT forums saying I’m gonna die from 250 test although my bloodwork says otherwise.

Aren’t you that dude with the tiny legs who gets really mad when people tell you that you have tiny legs?

And…..she’s gone. I wonder how many ppl they traffic that respond to this…🤔

The mother killed all the kittens by biting their necks. This happened with a litter of 4 and then 6. I have no idea why. All the possible reasons listed by people were definitely not the case.

They were killed. Bitten through the neck. First and second litter. We had the mother as a kitten so not sure why exactly it happened based on these reasons listed.

I believe he’s implying he’s in over his head. Can’t speak it well enough to continuously hold the flirty convo. Just a word or two. Or by doing so he attracts crazy Spanish women.

He could just be fuckin dumb and not make sense

How’s the gain? Enough for metal? How are you boosting that bad boy?

I had a cat when I was younger who rejected 2 litters. I was 9 and came home to the most gruesome scene imaginable 2 separate times… crazy they do that shit.

Sick bro very original! How the tone of the head?


Bro I hope you’re not going everyday if you just started. 2-3 times a week fullbody. 1 exercise per body part.

This program u got here is way too much and is set for failure if you continue. Feel free to message me if advice is needed.

Bro you’re 31. Go do your research. This is such a stupid fuckin question. Da fuck enclo gonna do??? It’s gonna fuck you up to some degree. All while being perfectly fine before hand. Just go do a cycle and stfu

Monkey in Space

There’s terms in the fighting game community that have meanings that make sense if you’re involved. Watch EVO and listen to the commentary. There’s so much happening you won’t understand what’s going on unless you play that hard.

Monkey in Space

Hawking is def zoner 🤣🤣

I’m fuckin crying the truest thing I’ve seen. My gf does it too🤣

It was debunked. Literally everyone knows him saying “suckers and losers” didn’t happen. All you have to do is google it. Every fact checker agreed on this. Bad bot.

Did you even watch the debate?? They talked about that quote and how it was fake. Fact check it . Bad bot

Treat as flatness and add extra tolerance from the distance it’s located on. Strange way to do but I’ve seen worse. Kids out of engineering school think they know gdt and don’t actually know shit and you get weird gdt that needs to be interpreted.


Remember little Hercules? Dad was giving that little fuck gear the whole time.