Those always had such a cool air mystique

Damn Dracula, didn't know you were gracing us with the bars today

I think it's a kind mix between old marketing and the culture that formed around anime. While the two are animation, for a really long time (and honestly even now), there were some very pronounced differences in how the shows looked to what they were even about. For example, in the 80's, the US had stuff like He-man and Transformers airing for kids. In Japan, they had Fist of the North Star

True, but it's a lot more rare to see fully CG cartoons.

Which I would argue is a direct result of being churned out as quickly as it was. They had a plan for what kind of person Boruto is, but not what kind of story they wanted to tell with him

I don't know if he could have survived seeing these outfits

I was thinking that there would be no way to attack with this power, partially because while pain-augmented attack power is a pretty neat power, I'm not sure that it really fits the sort of martyr aesthetic quite as much as taking in someone's pain and having that either inspire someone or putting them in your debt, depending on how you play someone with that power. As a hero, they could heal minor injuries and be able to command people to get to safety or inspire them to help others. As a villain, they could strategically heal people and build up power through people's supernatural debt to them.

Alright, as non-spoilery, but detailed as I can get: There is a dungeon that's ruled by an entity called The Mad Mage. Anyone who can get to the bottom and beat them gets to rule over a golden country.

Cut to a party down in said Dungeon, having a pretty tough time fighting a Red Dragon, because they're undernourished due to Dungeon shenanigans. In the middle of this battle, one of the party members, Falin, manages to teleport the party of danger, but not before getting eaten by the dragon. So, now her brother, Laios, along with his remaining party members, Marcille and Chilchuk, must race against time to find the dragon, kill it, and, hopefully, get Falin out of there before she's digested. Since they're low on funds and supplies, they're pretty much stuck eating any monsters they come across.

And I won't spoil any more, but that should hopefully be enough to get a feel for the show.

That's some deep melancholy you managed to capture


I think of it as a healing ability where the user takes the suffering of their ward onto themselves. In exchange, the person who was healed must unconditionally follow one order.

The Crown basically makes you into a Lord and Savior

Did Frieren just get out of a fight with Ubel?

What is a tech bro if not the less useful maniacal scientist of the 21st century?

Yeah... My bad, my naivety was showing. Still one can dream...

From just the first few lines of this post, I'd feel pretty comfortable recommending you Dungeon Meshi.


That's fair. I don't think that Boruto is very much to write home about. Still, I think that the issues with Boruto became a lot more glaring because it was so obviously coming off the heels of Naruto without really having anything to say. If there had been more time between the end of Naruto and Boruto, I think some of the issues might've been ironed out, and I certainly think it would have been better received if we'd had a bit of time away from that world. But that's just my general take on it.

Heresy. Garlic bread slices or nothin'! (Garlic knots do be tasty tho)

I feel like Boruto's biggest problem was coming out so immediately after the end of Naruto. If we'd gotten The Last Movie, then had at least a few years to miss the world of Naruto, I think people would've been a lot more lenient toward Boruto.


I think the goal is to do the exact opposite

I think what I like about how HxH handles it, is that they explicitly stop and say, "Hey, just so we're clear, even strong people have off days and weaker people have good days. And all it takes is one good moment for the weaker person to win," before spending an entire arc showing how this is the case. It also helps that our heroes also had alternate win conditions for their fights, in a way.