My grandad remarried at 85. You may find someone yet! And if not, making some other queer friends even just online can help ease some of that regret

Cats started to be bred for different purposes, too, just a lot later than dogs (hence why stray cats are mostly all just ā€œdomestic short hairā€ and not a breed.) For example, Bengals were bred to look wild but be more sweet and predictable in order to discourage people from owning wild cats as pets. Persians were bred as companion animals/lap cats, so they are typically laid back - but also bred for ā€œcute factorā€ like pugs so they became more of an unethical breed. However, personality remains predictable and temperament is a big reason someone would choose a certain pet.

Maine coons are bred to be dog-like and easy going, but with a really cool huge ā€œwildā€ look about their face, so you get the cool points of a big tough looking cat but the fun of an affectionate one. A Maine coon would make a great therapy cat, where a bengal might not. (Btw these are generalizations! Iā€™m not saying a bengal can never be laid back or well behaved!)

As another commenter stated, some cat breeds have also shown less irritation to those with allergies, and there will likely be a ā€œhypoallergenicā€ type cat breed within a few decades

Emily at wheelhouse salon says shag haircuts are her favorite! I go to her for a different style cut but she does a great job from what Iā€™ve seen:

Sheā€™ll go as mild or as aggressive as you want on the layers and shagginess


Envy for short

Not counting rent or a car note/insurance, you could probably get away with maybe $600 in all of the other stuff; possibly $250 for utilities (depending on if you are in a house or apartment, new or old building, how efficient your air is, how often you run it, whether or not youā€™re on bham water works, etc) plus $250-300 for groceries if youā€™re shopping at Aldi and shopping sales at other stores. If not, easily double that. Then around $50 for a meal downtown once a month. Add another $50-100 if you want several drinks.

You can easily spend as much as you want though - eating out more, you could spend $600/mo just on that. You will need a car to get most places though, this city has no train/lightrail or trolley or anything, and the bus system is not super efficient.

IIRC it was the Catholic Church selling worthless slips of paper that ā€œabsolvedā€ you of your sin

Looks almost exactly like my friendā€™s blue heeler mix. Curled tail and floppy ears could be from a LGD like a Pyrenees or Anatolian, or really any curl tailed breed. But he really looks like a blue heeler mix

I want this (was just using transit out of town and it was amazing and made me want it at home) but Iā€™m also afraid that it would get trashed quickly. I feel like a lot of bham citizens already donā€™t take care of the city and there arenā€™t widespread resources for things like trash, recycling, safety, etc. idk.

I was also discussing with someone that there should be tax breaks, incentives, and funding for cities to add public transport AND ongoing funding and enforcement of upkeep - Iā€™d really hate to see added transport and then it dilapidates in a year and just shuts down and slowly disappears

Iā€™ve heard mixed opinions on this. One the one hand, Iā€™ve heard to stop using ā€œspirit animalā€ as a synonym for ā€œanimal familiarā€ or ā€œwhat iā€™d be as an animalā€ or whatever (like you said).

But then I also saw some opinions from native people where they said that the widespread idea of spirit animals is so misunderstood anyway that when people appropriate and say ā€œspirit animalā€ theyā€™re not even using the meaning correctly and so theyā€™re kind of appropriating but wrongfully using the phrase anyway and itā€™s obvious they donā€™t know what theyā€™re talking about, so it doesnā€™t really bother them

If they want something that can live in a smaller area, a little shrimp tank is cool. But those should still be several gallonsā€¦ I think bowls are cruel for everything except a plant šŸ˜Ÿ

I get it! I grew up a dog person and became a cat person - but I still love how the DNA shows in a dogā€™s appearance and find it super interesting!

He looks smaller than most of these guesses, like Akita. How much does he weigh? If around 50 pounds, and located in India, my guess is Indian pye-dog/indian pariah dog mix.

From wiki: ā€œthey have erect ears, a wedge shaped face, and curved tail.ā€ Sounds like your guy!

For a mix, maybe pariah with chihuahua and spitz?

Thatā€™s a great substitute! Iā€™ve been trying to do the same

I think the substitutes can cause some side effects or reactions. Like for me, stevia causes stomachaches! That may be why they were asking

Iā€™m a side sleeper too. Would you prefer one that attaches right on the mouthpiece? I find that when I sleep on my side with the dreamwear, I squish the air tubing on the side Iā€™m lying on and it sometimes leaks worse that way

I see major chi in him! Definitely wanna see the results haha


Peanut depot is now called Alabama peanut company. Itā€™s in a historic building and they still use the old roasters. Plus trying boiled peanuts are a novelty for a non-local!