Riding my Harley around rural Ohio yielded wild results for me, so many people were eyeing Pete when he first popped up. Literally the only thing I heard people complain about was that he was too young or didn't have enough experience (which is laughable in its own right), which should be of zero concern now.

Why the party can't see the writing on the wall, I will never understand.

Think? That's exactly what they already did.

I remember a dozen or more actually viable candidates during the dem primaries yet Joe is who they decided to shove down everyone's throats.

They should have been using this time as training wheels for the next candidate. Let people see and hear from them more and make Joe pal around with them to pass the torch.

I would have loved for this to have sky rocketed Buttigieg to the forefront as he's pretty much Trump's antithesis incarnate, but instead we had to put Biden up again and question the longevity of our democracy.

You realize 99% isn't 100% right? And that's it's possible with the internet, out of 1% of 258 million American adults (or 2,580,000 people) wouldn't have access to Reddit and post about it? That's not even considering if OP isn't American.

This is the part I can't get over, someone is this obtuse.

Yeah so in short, your brain can tell what is and isn't sugar: It's not just the amount of sugar that matters.

Sugar hits you early, spikes quickly, and then fades rapidly. This leaves us with a unique sense of euphoria. Many people can 'taste' sugar alternatives after they've swallowed their bite, for instance. Other's are sweet long but don't get as sweet.

Even though we may register something as 'sweet', some people are so sensitive to the sweetness profile of sugar that there really is no alternative other than abstinence or moderation. Add in to this that sugar itself has a reaction on blood sugar levels (obviously), which can then leave you feeling hungry quicker and fatigued faster (which can lead to consuming more sugar).

Some chemicals taste good, some taste bad. Some kill you and unfortunately, some don't make you Spider-Man.

That's a beautiful deck, did you get plans or did you do it all yourself from knowledge?

So I'm going to briefly save you my entire health and professional history and just say I fucked with keto, for a while. I'm better now.

When you start removing sugar or fat everything in baking gets screwy. If you look at the profiles of different sugar substitutes versus sugar, you start to get the picture. Basically sugar is naturally and specifically crafted to hit our sensors in such a way that we find pleasing to the most minute detail. Different sugar substitutes release chemicals in our brains at different rates, over different times. This changes the whole profile of the sweet thing you're eating and leads people into these crazy rabbit holes to try to satiate their sweet tooth.

There's really nothing like table sugar, we fucked ourselves so hard with it. It's like we put cocaine in all our kids food and wondered why they grew up with a fondness for coke.


Shallenberger defines sweetness as a primary taste. He furthermore asserts that no two substances can have the same taste. Thus, when compared to sucrose, no other sweetener will have the unique properties of sweetness onset, duration and intensity of sucrose. It is possible to compare the relative sweetness values of various sweeteners, as shown in Table 21.17

I don't have access to the table anymore but the values shown I believe can be loosely represented by this visual aid I found.


8.99 in restaurant, 10.99 mobile order. 3.99 online ordering fee. 1.5% processing (convenience lol) fee. 15-20% tip. You end up paying an entire entree more per meal than going in.

The only place this hasn't held true for me is Chinese places. I feel like they give me more to go out of spite. Oh you think you want orange chicken? Good luck you fat fuck enjoy 6 meals.

I'm a picky eater and have IBD, so when I go to Chipotle I usually just get rice and chicken.

10/10 when I go and say "all I'm getting is rice and chicken", they either give me a MASSIVE burrito or they only charge me for a side of meat.

When I ordered online once I got what equated to a child size burrito for like $10. It was the smallest scoop of rice and chicken. I think when I'm in line next to people with MASSIVE meals that are paying the same, it guilts the employee to making us both feel better about what I'm about to pay for lol.

It's the price I pay to eat out and be social but I get it. Just weird everyone else has the same experience.

I mean he could remove the SCOCTUS Judges and any congressman that doesn't agree with him and replace them with people that do. What are they going to do, impeach him? Charge him? This essentially lets the President do whatever by force and the only thing stopping them is the lack of complicity down the line.

Obviously that won't happen under the Democrats or Biden but that's basically what's going on here. If the President can't do it, force it anyway because there are no repercussions. Prior to this the presidency, and politics in general, were a gentleman's agreement. Certain things didn't need to be written out as it was heavily understood what way the scale would tip should you lose power. I think Cheney is really the spearhead for seizing control of our government in modern times.

Retribution is not always justice, but I agree actions need (consistent) consequences.

That being a bastard still makes them human and deserving of certain rights and recognitions. The main thing they deprive us of.

It's not All Cops Must Die

I watched the full video, my responses highlight that. Why would you think I didn't?

Maybe 1.5 hours in 5 minute stints yeah but that doesn't sound as funny haha

I'm not saying they haven't, i'm expressing sorrow that this tragedy won't be seen for what it is and will instead be used as an example to further double down on what got us to this point.

Sorry he was Scottish, Raoul Moat.



Moat apparently targeted Rathband randomly, simply for being a police officer, although on an earlier occasion Rathband had confiscated Moat's van on the suspicion that it was not insured. Moat also made threats, in two letters and several phone calls, that he would kill any officer who attempted to stop him.

I apologize I thought the implication was a little clearer. Police are trigger happy and over militarized because they fear of situations like this, but situations like this are far and few between in comparison to situations where police either willfully abuse power, are ignorantly unaware, or are severely under/mis-trained.

This situation is a tragedy.

Yeah lol Starbucks are notoriously small. I can't imagine the restrooms are that big.

To be fair, I've never been to one.