This is what would have happened if he went to her art show

Bruce Campbell feels like the perfect mix of goofiness and gravitas to play the role.

I have to ask tho, why the headline explicitly names Trump, but only clarifies Trump and Clinton in the small print?


For what it’s worth, if it was purposely in his hidden folder, he was most likely not planning to delete them, and knew what he was doing, trying to keep them discreet. Do with that what you will.

I don’t think this is too big a deal, but if it’s a crossed line for you, then by all means, you should have a talk with him about what he wants.

The hard parts are over for you. Just do it man.

On the other hand, I left Guarma without finding the local flora and fauna, so my compendium is FUCKED unless I can glitch my way back.

So I say to him, “Vince, what if Shawn puts Bret in the Sharpshooter? Then you can just end the match there, and people will think Bret tapped out.”

Rikishi is quietly producing more 2nd gen wrestlers than Fritz Von Erich, and I love it lol.

Jim seemed from the first impression to be both a goof-off, which is already a bad foot to be on. But what makes it worse is that he claims he’s Michael’s #2, and seems to feed into Michael’s bad habits. Ergo, as soon as Charles starts having trouble with Michael, Jim is also guilty by association.

One on the left looks like young Julian, right looks like next gen Jacob.

What is that? A wrestling school FOR ANTS?

Y’all must have missed the episode of Smackdown where Vince aired the footage of him unmasking and then fired him, before Zack Gowen’s big match.

F that. Just give me Jack Black as the whole cast. Except Toto. Kyle should be Toto.

Same. Like I really feel like she’s pretty average, and just had exceptional chemistry with the other Horsewomen.

But so many people online screech about how she’s the GOAT, or that she never needs to change her character, or that WWE didn’t push her enough, or that she’s a movie star. I really just don’t see it; and you’ll never convince me that her walking out on WWE twice wasn’t just sour grapes because she found out her tag partners Bayley and Naomi would be getting the push post-split.

I’m sorry. It wasn’t my fault!

That’s why they call him “Never misses the mark Michaels.”

Z probably isn’t worth it, unless you’re down to walk a lot.

I mean, they said Texas would never turn blue, and it’s been deep purple for a few years now.

Not saying that it’s a good thing, cuz lord knows if Texas turns full blue, that’s going to cause problems for Texas. But yes, color changing happens.

Yes, we see all of the captains take liberties or screw others out of crab. But the main difference between them and Harley, is that pretty much all of these captains have displayed shady tactics over multiple seasons. Harley literally pulled every single dirty tactic you can, in single seasons of the show.

In season 15, he spot checks Keith, and then sets him down. In season 16, he spot checks Jake, sets him down, zincs him, then when caught, throws a fit and tucks tail, radio fishing for a new spot. Then talks about how close he and Sig are, before he goes and sets Sig down, also using the zincs. Then in season 16 opies, he does more of the same. He tells Casey and Josh where to fish, and then tries to muscle them out once he realizes they’re on something, then once he’s stuck pulling blanks, he just radio fishes again and finds a new spot to muscle in and set randoms down. Late in the season, he again sets the Wizard down, pot for pot. He only offers the keyboard because he is once again radio fishing, and overhears Monty talking about needing one, and feels bad.

Point is, sure; he does some of the same stuff that the other captains on the show have done. But he does it all in one season, making him look way worse than the others, by comparison. The show makes Harley look like an absolutely terrible fisherman and a jerk, who has to rely on everyone else’s table scraps. In reality, it kind of exposes how unrealistic the show is, cuz if Harley makes this many enemies in a single season, I’d be putting holes in every SW buoy that pops up near mine.

Yes. Like I literally was trying to think, what was his name?