Partassipant [1]

I think you would benefit from unpacking a bit more exactly what the issues are before you lay down an ultimatum that may end the relationship.

If it’s actually a misophonia thing, that feels like a reasonable ask to me - you want her to attempt to minimize eating noises when you’re watching movies together, and ideally you’d be taking steps to minimize your own discomfort when you’re in normal eating together situations where she needs to be able to make noise. But you spent a lot of words in your post talking about this way of eating as being weird, childish, and off-putting for reasons that aren’t really about the noises at all. If that’s the actual issue, I can still see it as a reasonable difference between what you want in a partner and who your girlfriend is as a person. If you get her to agree to eat quietly, but she switches to another (quieter) quirky childish behavior instead, how would you feel? In the other hand, if she agrees to let go of some of her quirky pleasures but ends up still making noises you dislike, what then?

Either way this is worth a deeper conversation because it clearly bothers you, but focusing on the thing that is actually important will get you to a better resolution.

In your view, why did Michael think Oscar could answer?

I mean, the joke of Michael asking Oscar about a colonoscopy was appropriate for the show because the punchline is Michael is an idiot who commits bungling homophobia against his employees. It’s not an “inappropriate joke” in that sense. But in-universe, no Michael had absolutely zero valid reason to approach Oscar about that matter. And it’s not a times change thing, I was in my late 20s in the northeastern US at the time that episode aired and it was obvious that Michael was being homophobic in our broadly shared context.

The fact that he asked Oscar at all is still homophobic and inappropriate, even leaving out the “pleasure” element. Michael thinks that butt stuff = gay and gay = butt stuff, therefore anything to do with the butt is Oscar’s expertise. This is a homophobic and reductionist way of looking at things, especially medical procedures. If he genuinely wanted advice, he should reach out to someone who has had that procedure. And not someone who works for him.

It was inappropriate for the workplace, and blatantly homophobic.

New seasons typically premiere in September. S20 starting in the spring was an anomaly caused by last year’s strikes. This is a common (but not universal) schedule for prime time network shows.

Derek and Amelia have the most dramatic personalities, it clearly runs in the family. Derek gets the prize for being most dramatic over comparatively small things while Amelia gives the greatest volume of drama overall.

Alex needed to learn to pick his audience better for dark jokes, something various people had been trying to teach him since season 1. Lucy was doing him a favor with yet another chance to learn when to keep his dumb mouth shut.

I had a similar experience. I changed jobs and got a major raise but six months later I was still treading water, not paying down my debts despite no noticeable lifestyle change. Seeing all my transactions together automatically and having the tools to roll with the punches in real time whenever an “unexpected” expense shows up made a huge difference. Within my two month free trial I saved a few hundred dollars just from tracking and pruning monthly and annual subscriptions, so it was a no-brainer to pay for the tool.

I have been developing “full” and “light” versions of my anxiety-overpacking stuff. For instance I have a semi-chunky first aid and OTC meds kit that I carry any time I’m traveling, hiking or something potentially isolated and hazardous. I fell into carrying it daily when I used a backpack for work, but it takes up more room in my medium crescent than I’d like for errands. So I made a secondary tiny kit with a single dose of each med, two bandaids, a safety pin, tweezers, and two alcohol prep wipes. Much more realistic for a few hours, and I haven’t yet regretted choosing to carry it instead of the big one. Likewise, I’ve broken myself of my urge to carry my whole planner by designating a little skinny “purse notebook” which I can use for shopping lists and jotting down notes while I’m out. At home I copy info back and forth to the planner if needed.

It looks like a butt. Kind of a cute cartoon fruit butt, not really a $700 butt.

I like them! I prefer to buy loose leaf because of the cost and packaging waste of sachets (and I like to choose my own volume/strength for each cup or pot), but the sachets are convenient sometimes and easy to find in local stores. I haven’t noticed any quality difference between the H&S sachets compared to loose leaf of the same variety. If you like flavored teas and you’re interested in trying out the brand without making an online order, it’s worth picking up a tin.

As others have said, be aware that a big part of what you’re paying for from this brand is the attractive presentation. That goes double (or more) for the sachets compared to loose leaf. I personally enjoy that attractive presentation, but it’s not a frugal choice.

I’m sorry that I didn’t capture your personal nuanced feelings about this episode while generalizing broadly about some of the many reasons it’s not universally adored

(Edit: I’m sorry I think this came out mean in a way I didn’t intend. What you say is totally legit and well thought out, but I don’t consider you part of the various groups that rate it as the worst episode thereby dragging down the average, which was what I was generalizing about. You fall under the “nuanced criticism” part of my comment along with the single example I gave of people commenting on tone.)

I complain about Lucy Huber too much, so I must be fair and say that her stories about her kid’s reptile-themed birthday party (with surprise guest!)  have been a bright spot in my weekend. Sometimes the cursed algorithm gets it right.

I love that episode (except for Running on Sunshine) but it doesn’t surprise me that the overall rating is low-ish. A certain section of the audience just hates musicals and therefore won’t like it no matter what. Then there’s a group that hates all the format-breaking episodes (like the documentary one, the courtroom ones, the what-if ones). Then there’s more nuanced criticism like people who think the emotional tone is wrong for the storyline etc (I disagree but it’s a reasonable opinion). Put that all together and it adds a lot of people who hate the episode dragging down the consensus.

Yeah I would pick TCM too, but that’s not the point. It’s about Gabe’s behavior toward Erin who he supposedly likes/loves. You say she’s a bad communicator, which is true. But she’s also in her early 20s and had a hard upbringing. Gabe chose to pursue a relationship with her and that should have come with additional responsibility for working with her limitations. Instead he took advantage of those limitations to get his own way in all aspects of the relationship except how it ended.

What do you think about the movie-picking thing? To me that’s one of the most damning parts - Erin is very clear and communicative with him about not liking horror movies plus what she actually prefers. He fully ignores this and bulldozes her into doing what he wants anyway. Failing to listen and respect her wishes in more mundane matters is a big part of why she isn’t able to be open with him about her needs and feelings on deeper things.

I use mildliners to divide my daily pages into sections for various purposes. In the weekly spreads they’re great for color-coding time blocks with either a chunky outline or a fill of color - like blue for work, pink for personal appointments, purple for fun stuff.

In my dedicated work planner/notebook I’ve started color coding my major project and work areas so I can see at a glance what a page of notes is referring to. I use the same colors to track my time on those projects - some project have to be billed to clients and some don’t, and I’ve been finding it easier to just track it all so I can visualize how I’m spending my work hours each week, which helps when talking to my boss about my capacity for upcoming stuff. Plus I get to do a little coloring in my work day, which is a nice bonus.

Lucy Huber for four years straight: “why doesn’t anyone talk about how hard parenting is?”

Lucy Huber now: “Getting tired of earnest, realistic motherhood content on IG tbh, I feel like people can go back to just pretending your kids love making mess free brownies in white linen dresses, it’s fine.” 

I think she’s self aware enough that this is a joke, and I laughed. But her replies seem to be engaging at face value so I may be wrong about that. Funny either way.

It has the cadence of a Jeff Foxworthy redneck joke, which is kind of a funny meta twist

I think your math is good, especially considering the super shaky chronology the writers give us for anything that was supposed to have happened prior to the late 90s. It would make the most sense for Ellis to have won in the first few years of the award. Perhaps at that time it was the hot new award for surgeons, with Harper throwing a lot of money and influence into promoting the award itself as a way to enhance his own legacy. So for Ellis and Richard it’s a huge deal even though it might have started while they were in med school.

Do you mean it’s not science fiction? Because I assure you that The Office is in fact fiction.

To the point about the DNA test, I believe the simplest explanation is that the wrong diaper was tested, Dwight having grabbed one from Pam’s baby Philip by mistake. Even in real life a DNA test might not correctly identify a baby’s parent - the samples could be switched or contaminated, there could be an error in running or interpreting the test, someone could lie for a variety of reasons, and so forth. In reality there should be checks and balances to prevent such things - submitting only confirmed samples with clear chain of custody, regulatory oversight, running a second test for confirmation and so forth. In fiction the writers can play with all these possibilities and more to deliver the desired result, because they aren’t limited by the constraints of the real world.

I’ve got some 9Bs as well as 8B. Down at that point you’re right, it’s a pretty buttery texture. And on most papers you’re not really getting a darker mark than say a 6B or so, because the lead is so soft it sits on the surface and can brush away. But that makes it very nice for smooshy textural drawing, anything where you want to be able to smear marks for atmosphere.

Exactly! She didn’t even give her sister Lexie dibs on a room when the whole crew moved in after the shooting (much to Lexie’s frustration)