Alicent didn’t seduce him, and moreover we only see Viserys announcing to his council that he had decided to marry her. We don’t even know, if she was consulted on that decision. And if she was, and considered refusing, we know Otto would manipulate her into agreeing. She never really had a choice in it.

“I’m claiming Harrenhal.”

“Cool, but pass the fries, will you?”

Penelope looks downright silly with those sculpted ringlets glued to her face.

Except Kate’s dress has very different sleeves.

I think Otto is the most heartless person on the side of the Greens.

It’s interesting, that it tends to be “forced”, when it’s male nudity, but mindlessly accepted, while it’s a naked woman on the screen, when neither should be viewed as something unnatural. But women have always been objectified in art, and men to a much lesser extent.

Why would she celebrate lady Whistledown? She enjoys their rivalry, yes, but LW is still an antagonist the queen considers her to be below her, someone who needs to be humbled, because they dared to mock the queen and her decisions. And as we know, the queen doesn’t like being contradicted or proven wrong. Her ego is quite big.

Richard Ayoade would easily nail the dry, snooty bitchiness, if he wanted to. He’s a gem.


You can find out. 😂

She thought it’s rude of people to ask for a smaller slice around her, because it creates an “unsafe environment” for her - person who loves to eat cake. It’s also “extra labour” for the person cutting the cake, and it’s food moralising and policing, which creates an unfriendly atmosphere for people, who enjoy eating. No, I’m not kidding.

To be fair, the cake article was written in 2017, and the piece on Nicola Coughlan and Polin is pretty mellow and reasonable (if shallow and pedestrian) so perhaps she had matured a bit in the meantime.

Oh god, I remember her. She’s that unhinged “body positivity” activist, who wrote an incredibly weird piece about how asking for a small slice of a birthday cake is offensive, and recorded a video about hating vegetables. She’s a child.

Anyone telling other people they know the one true god, and they are the only special ones with this special knowledge is a loon.

Oh, I think it’s very wrong to force children too young to even speak into religion, before they can make up their own minds about it. It’s a harmful tradition, that pressures the young into conforming to what their family wants them to believe.

Unironically though. It was a beautiful custom and it saved space we now use for graveyards. 🤷🏽‍♀️

She looks like she’s wearing another cat’s fur, that she had won in battle.

I fear we might have reached critical levels of flooooofiness here. It’s over 9000!

I didn’t mention Hannah Dodd anywhere, so I don’t know what that has to do with what I’ve said…

That is a very furry horse.

I think they had the cutest relationship in the series. They brought out the best in each other. Dunno why people are so grossed out by the age difference. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Please don’t lump everyone who’s been critical of his acting in with the deranged stans, who can’t tell fiction from reality. It is possible to see his acting as uneven or lacking, and at the same time have no interest in engaging in hate towards him and people in his personal life.

The balloon scene takes the prize. All that was lacking was Penelope screaming “NoooooooOooooOooOooo!” in slow motion.

The same reason Anthony, Simon, Colin and every other rake in a historical romance hadn’t. Plot convenience.

Exactly. Right now, Philip is just another rich, conventional man, who hasn’t been shown to be a match for Eloise in any way. I don’t understand why people are so excited for him to end up with Eloise. His book version is apparently pretty terrible, and the best thing you can say for his show version is that he’s…kind. That’s great and all, but it isn’t enough for me to get obsessed with the guy.