$60 painful? If changing disks for you is what you consider painful then you’ve had a truly wonderful life.

Poor financial decision making. I see people brag about buying multiple copies of games and find it quite strange. Whatever floats their boat I guess.

Calling me a snowflake is another admittance that your argument is dogshit. Tweet was reasonable and nice. You one the other hand are not.

Again with the fake quotes. Why don’t you actually quote him? “If the game isn’t for you that’s ok. You can move on.” Nothing about that quote says go fuck yourselves. You and everybody trying to twist his words is so fucking weird.

Well isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black. Lacking the ability to comprehend the meaning behind someone’s words?! That’s literally what you’re doing with this quote from the dev. How the hell do you not see that?

No it’s not. You have a fucked go view of the world if that’s how you think. Not everything is malicious.

Copium is such a stupid redditism. Saying it is the sign of having no argument. The tweet was reasonable. You’re just a stereotypical angry gamer.

You making up an extreme fake quote isn’t helping your argument.

They didn’t tell anyone to go fuck themselves. God Redditors like you are so fucking dramatic.

Maybe to someone with no people skills like a redditor such as yourself. I have a college degree. I’m a stay at home dad and it’s the best thing for my entire family. Me working would be stupid since my spouse makes so much more than I did.

Having a spouse get a raise and offer you the chance to be a stay at home parent is fucking amazing. Sounds like he’ll be a great partner and dad.

You’re suggesting the existence of being a stay at home parent is absurd when it’s one of the best things possible for a child.

I’m financially dependent on my wife. Stay at home dad here. It’s the best life ever.

You are absolutely going to play GTA 6 online. Why are you lying to a bunch of strangers online? What’s that do for you?

Comments like that have to be from 12 year olds right? They spent thousands of hours in a game they loved and won’t do that with the biggest, new, shiny toy that will be the most hyped game possibly ever? Bull fucking shit. Why even lie like that?

Reminds me of a comment from a bozo who said they aren’t gonna buy GTA 6 since red dead 2 never got a 60 fps update. They admitted they absolutely love GTA, but since another game in another franchise never got a free update they will refuse to buy GTA 6 now. I couldn’t imagine a stupider comment and rationale. Comment had hundreds of upvotes too.

Don’t worry about those assholes. I agree with you buddy.

This is why Reddit is so fucking stupid. The guy said a normal reply then you have a bunch of assholes saying sorry you got butthurt bro.

I play games with all different fps ranges. 30 fps is still great! Read Dead 2 is still one of the best looking and playing games. I sleep quite well thanks for your concern.

Just want to let you know you’re not alone. I agree with you. This place can be ridiculous about fps.

And what does you expecting more do?

I’m happy to get what they gave us. Elden Ring is the shit. You’re just setting yourself up for being pissed.

What sub are you on? Half the comments on this sub are people complaining about fps and then others agreeing and patting each other on the back for seeing how awful a game is because it dipped out of 60fps for a second.

We’re not oblivious to it because unfortunately half of this sub’s discussions are bitching about frame rate. We get it. It hurts you. Doesn’t bother most people. And no this sub isn’t indicative that most people care about fps. This place is a bubble.

I agree. Zelda, Baldur’s Gate 3, Elden Ring. All 10/10 games that have technical issues. A stutter here and there isn’t going to change my 10/10 experience playing those games.