That’s terrible! Some of Just don’t win the parent lottery. I’m sorry they was your experience. It’s just not right.

Oh, you have one of those too. I met my bio dad at 21 because my husband encouraged me to…lame! He never paid a cent in support and had the nerve to tell me he couldn’t come to MN from MI to see me, because he’d be put in jail. And that was of course my moms fault😒

Ok. I looked and she says her mom forced her to have sex with a much older male during spin the bottle.

I want to say that Leah was like 13ish and her mom locked her in a closet for whatever that dumb game was that we used to play. She put her in there with a much older boy. Now I’m not 100 percent certain, but I believe that’s how it went. I can’t remember the other things right now.

They have actual studies and evidence that it is not a first line drug for mania/hypomania. I’m glad it works for you, but you are an exception. I’m not a man either.

I’m not trying to be rude. Maybe you typed it wrong. Latuda is an antipsychotic. I wouldn’t usually say anything, but I’d like this young person to know the difference.

I take 400mg daily with other meds. No problem. I’m going to tell you something that my first psych dr didn’t bother to tell me and I had to call my pharmacist about it. Lamictal is amazing for depression, but it does very little for mania/hypomania. Which is fine if you lean more the depressive symptoms. I just want you to be aware.

Why did they have water in his room in the first place? I think that’s a good question.

My parents were really awful also. It caused me a huge amount of trauma. It’s still better than trying to sell your kid.

Unfortunately more than you think. My mom worked at a children’s home and it was not uncommon. I just read an article where a mom tried to sell her ten year old to a woman for $20. She offered her to a man for sex for $5. Awful

Lamotrogine only treats depression. I learned that the hard way. One of the fastest working meds is risperidone. That may not be what you want. I would probably see about lithium. I have mixed episodes and rapid cycling. Lithium works for both depression and hypomania and it’s pretty fast. I had to stop it because it was hard on my stomach. It took me 3 years to get my meds perfect. I know that seems daunting and terrible, but it takes time.

No. I don’t feel happy during mania. I get very angry and have delusions. I have mixed episodes. So that not very fun.

Leah’s mom basically pimped her out. Jades mom stole her meds after surgery. April was a drunk, crackhead skank. I have to go with Roxanne also.

Ferris buellers day off Hate it Also the shining

Ice cubes (chocolate) I haven’t had one in years,unfortunately .

It was your choice to get married to the only person you’ve slept with. Maybe you should have thought about it a bit longer before getting married. So, you would feel better sleeping with other women. who have probably had many dicks inside them? You’re acting like a child. You knew she had slept with other guys and Now you’re trying to use that as justification to screw other women. You really are something else.

He told me to “fuck off” because he assumed I’ve never slept with another man. I started dating my husband at 16 and he has never slept with another woman. So, I guess it made him feel a pang of guilt.

No. I had slept with other men. So, my case very much counts. Don’t get mad at me because you feel guilty.

Extremely true. I pick up on peoples energy also. It can be frightening at times and sad others.