Looks like there's some foil on the glass of the window to block the view, so you can close it for privacy while on the toilet and open it afterwards to get rid of smells. I don't really see any problems with it.

That's incredible, I love how all the rings are shown together after they are introduced individually. And the transition to the map.. just genius

I had to scroll way to far to find this. I just played Portal 1 last week. Might pick up Portal 2 soon as well.


I thought this is real till I read the caption. Although I at first thought they visited the filmset. After I saw the other pictures I started to wonder and finally took a second look at the caption.

Edit: to my defense I want to say that I'm not wearing my glasses and I am on mobile so the picture was relatively small.

How is the interim calculation wrong? Am I not seeing something?


Using Commas and decimal points in the opposite way is common in other languages. In German for example I would write one point three as 1,3 and one thousand as 1.000

Edit: a quick Google search tells me, that one should actually use a space to separate thousands (so 1 000), but it's still common here for people to use a dot.

Sorry, heteronormativity was strong in me. But replace girl with boy and the rest still stands XD

Well, maybe you shouldn't search for a girlfriend on Reddit XD

But honestly, to me, personality weights so much more. Not saying that looks don't matter at all, but a great personality can make up for a lot.

Yeah, it's the same in Germany. I prefer to buy meat less often, but from the butcher, as it's (often) better quality, even though more expensive.

Do you only work for 8 h every week?

Should be

2 h * 5 * 4 = 40 h

He spends a quarter of his time smoking, so basically a week per month.

You'd have thought that people might know that not everyone speaks English natively and might therefore not have mastered every aspect of it.

That is a strange car. But a cute one.


500$ is still a lot. We just got us 20€ engagement rings and we're not even broke. To be fair, they aren't typical engagement rings and we're both not big on jewellery.

Edit: I just wanted to say that I love the idea of going on a nice vacation instead.

I love that one. Very fitting for the occasion.

Only if there are enough pieces of you left after falling down 1000 m into the fjord (and probably hitting some rocks in between)

I definitely stood there with my dad when I was about 8 years old. As a kid I absolutely loved it. As an adult I'm not so sure if I would be bold enough to do it again.


I have pictures of me standing on Kjerakbolten at about 10 years old and sitting on the edge of Preikestolen at 15. Looking back I get an anxiety attack just thinking about it, but back then my fear of heights wasn't as bad.

Edit: thinking back, I might've been even younger. Around 8 years or so.

As a German, I found this way too funny.

I'm not big on religion but I'm definitely down for some tots and pears. (And now I want to make potatoes and have some pears as dessert)

It's definitely a big bonus point if you can cook.

Reminds me of a quote I saw some time ago:

"Find yourself a partner who can cook. Beauty fades but hunger persists."

(Sounds a bit better in my mother tongue, but the meaning stays the same)

Same here I guess it's my voice but it kinda is a voice without a voice. Like it's speech, but without the characteristics to make it an actual voice.? My guess is, that I'm so used to my own voice, that if I don't have the acoustic input from actual speaking, my inner voice just sounds "undefined".

I don't know if any of that makes any sense. It's really hard to explain.

For me it depends. When I'm reading I tend to have visual thoughts, but the rest of the day I mainly have a voice.

Edit: thinking of it, I can't even tell if the visuals I get when reading are abstract or not. I never really paid attention to it.