Qin West in Irvine makes a very good beef noodle soup.

INO is truly one of the few good operators out there.

Tangent: my experience has been that privately owned businesses are always superior to their publicly owned competitors. INO is just another example.


Let them die. It's fine.

Destroy them, ChiParentalFigure. Let the hate flow through your serving spoons.

No, no- we're all offended. Humanity is collectively frowning with stern displeasure at you, and this thing you've brought into existence.

I up-vote your post despite my disgust, because it's so perfectly fitting for the sub.

Hello, fellow gay.

My first reaction was "if this guy isn't gay, he's serving up the wrong energy." You're handsome and you look friendly, don't let your ex get you down- whatever he's saying is coming from a place of hurt and pain. Do not engage, it's better for you to move on.

If you care about those roosters, make sure you sell them for more than they can be purchased for as poultry.

No worries, the ultra-wealthy of today will have no problem matching this rate of growth.

It takes two people to make a baby, traditionally.

You can't control what other people do, but you can control yourself and you didn't use birth control. She had the baby that you helped her to create and that is your fault. Man up, that child doesn't deserve this.

Consider the train, especially if you're not planning to tour around the city once you arrive. The cost of the ticket is less than the stress of dealing with that traffic and driving around SD.

Amtrak will even remove aggressive homeless people from the platform. White glove service.

You would risk war for a piece of paper? Neutrality is meaningless!

Most empathetic Christian.

It's just corporate overhead (fiduciary responsibility). This is literally the nature of corporations, and it's why private businesses that go public inevitably lose quality- an ever increasing portion of revenue is committed non-revenue generating people.

We should actively avoid spending our money at publicly owned businesses, but it's difficult.

When people block aisles, I just loudly say "excuse me, pardon me, thanks" as I push the cart as close to touching them as possible. It's uncomfortable, just like their actions.

How about Victoria Pond in Talbert regional?

ETA: Huntington Central Library! Their pond is large and lots of other water fowl frequent it.

Don't get that bulb as a grow light, it will cast light in a huge cone that will barely do anything.

You need a model with all diodes pointing in the same direction, what you've posted in a normal fixture bulb.

I like their 10w and 15w growlights, they're cheap and effective.

Don't think that way, we're everywhere and we come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and ages.

I'd also add that some city guys are into a more rugged man, try it out. It doesn't matter what your preferred position is, either, they really do come in all different forms.

They're all mandatory.

These aren't opt-in, they're built into the lease contract and if you don't accept one then you simply don't get the apartment. Yes, I am familiar with this, it's not someone who's misunderstanding shit like credit card transaction fees- I work for this company and even I cannot get out of the additional fees (fees which, btw, are not lowered by my employee discount as they're not rent, which also means government subsidies do not cover them for the residents using those programs).

It's predatory and wrong on so many levels, I can't wait for housing reform.

ETA: I don't drive a car. I still have to pay for that empty spot, it's so stupid.

This is the result of workers who have lost all sense of pride or purpose in their work, likely because their management crushed it out of them.

Source: most working adults these days