NTA - your kid(s) should come first always. That is the natural response. I am assuming fiancé is the father. If so, it will come for him too.

Yeah you’re being ridiculous. Your sisters are beats but to blow up your whole relationship with your family over this is over the top. YTA.

If you want to article with MAG at the Crown Attorney’s office you have to apply with all the other students vying for a Crown position. They can’t create a special position for you. These are the constraints of government positions. Many firms also do articling during the LSO recruitment time.

Geez Louise you’re high maintenance. So let’s get this straight. He got you the gift you wanted and took you to the restaurant you wanted, but failed to order the cake with the right filling and writing that you wanted so you’re pissed? Order it yourself if you are so picky.

ETA: And he’s neurodivergent and you expect to get your micro-managing exactly right! Wow.

NTA - his response is unbelievable. He could have called you to see what’s going on instead of ghosting you.

NTA - you’re 16 yo. You don’t want to have the baby now (understandably). Odds are a relationship at your age isn’t going to last anyways. But a baby is forever.

African Lion Safari is a fun place to visit but not with all the hoops that you have to go through. Go to the Toronto Zoo instead.

NTA in the slightest but your husband is. Unbelievable how he treated you. I would never have that woman set foot in my house again nor would I visit with my kids. Not only did she disrespect you but she also added to your workload and jeopardized your health. What a horrible human being she is.

You need to start the paperwork for non-payment of the rent NOW. Lots of good info on this thread. Read it.

You save money ahead of time or you finance. And if you cannot afford it you buy used. Why is this a question?

Do the commute before deciding. It sounds pretty brutal.

You are insanely overthinking this.

Again they are not married with all the legal protections that come with that. Common law has very few protections. And even if they are common law still then it doesn’t necessarily translate to a right to the marital home. Again you need a family lawyer to advise you. I am not a family lawyer and certainly not your lawyer. Anyone can get an affidavit sworn. Does it mean what you think it means legally? A family lawyer would know. Crowd sourcing this very fact specific stuff on Reddit is going to get you zero reliable info unfortunately.

You clearly aren’t a family lawyer. Common law spouses have significantly less rights in Ontario even with regard to the matrimonial home. Not to mention if the uncle is in a care facility and has been there for X number of months/years I imagine (but am not a family law lawyer) it would call in question whether they are found to be common law since they are no longer cohabiting. https://www.tslawyers.ca/blog/firm-news/common-law-spouse-rights-in-ontario/

Your aunt needs a family lawyer to untangle this mess. Common law spouse have significantly less rights than married ones.

Marketplace did a whole exposé on how a particular lawn company had very predatory practices and would spray people’s lawns after visits door to door. Worth a watch.

Do you think these are free? Tax dollars pay for them. And wheelchair ramps are required for accessibility and benefit both genders of people thatcher wheelchairs not to mention incidental benefits for seniors and those with strollers. What a ridiculous argument.

Okay that makes more sense, lol. Fiesta is safe for pets according to a quick google search. https://tlc.ca/blog/fiesta-weed-control-lawn#:~:text=Fiesta%20is%20not%20only%20safe,walked%20through%20the%20treated%20area.
The active ingredient is iron. So I don’t see a connection but ask the vet if that could cause patches of fur to fall out.

Sounds more like the sign blew onto your lawn. The pesticide is for potato crops so it doesn’t make sense they would be spraying a lawn with it.

Kids is 7 yo / found in another post by OP - so he isn’t going to be a teen anytime soon.

Alright. I’ve read through your previous threads. In the past you’ve said the issue is that you are pretty much confined to your bedroom which is 10 feet from the neighbour’s garage, etc. First obvious question is whether you can switch bedrooms. As for legal recourse you can sue them for nuisance, but you would likely need to prove that the sounds are louder than is reasonable. I imagine it would cost a pretty penny to even try to sue them.

You clearly ain’t a woman. Ridiculous to use our tax dollars to only alleviate one gender’s urinary needs (especially since it’s a heck of a lot asker for a guy to go behind some bushes if necessary).

Perhaps give the OP some more details about what specific program your pharmacy is utilizing to cover the cost of the drugs? A vague description of your situation doesn’t give OP nearly enough info to meaningfully follow up on what is potentially available to him or her.

Can you move back in with your parents while you start your career? Or move to a cheaper place that allows you to save to pay for medication?

Also, some manufactures will cover the entire cost of the medication if you use the brand name version.

Check if any of your meds are covered here: https://innovicares.ca/en