She does not need to be put down. She’s having side effects, albeit rough ones. I would try tubes like lickable treats (like churu or similar), cat soups, any variation of kitten wet food and different brands (minced, etc). A bottle could also be worth a shot and make sure she’s in a calm environment where she feels safe. I know vet visits are expensive, but an IV might be a good idea as well. Keep us updated! 🐾 my little guy did the same thing for about a week or so. :)


He looks like my boy!

What a cutie! 🐾

Not a Verified Medical Professional

Yeah, I figured. That’s what happened when I had a bunch of ovarian cysts that turned cancerous. I had to go to 5 doctors until one decided to listen to me and removed them in time.

I didn’t even think about looking on Facebook though! I Will definitely try that out! Thank you

What to do when doctors won’t help you? (U.S. healthcare) Illness

So to sum it up, I’ve had an array of tests done basically confirming that I have Lupus (autoimmune disease). Most recently, I’ve passed out and lost consciousness. My liver enzymes are through the roof, my bone marrow is critically low/barely producing, and I have a billion other symptoms. I am absolutely devastated and shocked that most recently when I went to the doctor after I passed out, I asked them to look at the tests and if we can run antibodies and antigens etc. literally they said no and they think it just happens sometimes (like I didn’t drink enough water or something which isn’t the case) and is just insane. The past doctor who ran the tests and confirmed abnormalities and most likely lupus, never followed up with me or responded to me. Do I have to just keep trying to find a doctor who is going to actually help me? Has anyone dealt with something similar? It’s scary as these things are getting worse. I can’t afford a concierge doctor but I wish I could because this is ridiculous. Things are wrong, tests are showing it, yet I’m not getting actual care/help. I have two friends who are doctors, who have reviewed all my labs, tests, and they said specialists really should be doing more or going to next steps because things are getting worse and I’m only 27. I know there isn’t a cure for this but some sort of treatment plan and acknowledgement would be ideal. Also - this isn’t a post saying I hate doctors or medical field etc (I work in the field myself). I’m just frustrated. I was even thinking about maybe going outside of the country for help (I live in the U.S).

Midsommar! (It was very well done but very scary)

Can we have more cow cats in movies please and thank you

Haha omg that’s terrible! I’m sorry about the awards but I’m glad the kitty is okay! My crazy guy figures out ways to get to the highest point of whatever he can. He even figured out how to basically like climb the shelf and get on top. He gave me a heart attack, I thought he would break a leg coming down or something haha

He’s weirdly light on his feet when he wants to be!!

Hey! Oh that’s great news! I’m so glad she’s going to be okay! :)

Thanks! It’s actually probably one of the hotter areas because there is no vent in there. But he seems fine!

Was there a cat in that? I need to re-watch!

Thank you! Yeah he seems very content when he’s hanging out in there so I’m sure he’s fine. I just worry sometimes because he has a chronic condition. But you’re right! Awh, your cat sounds very sweet!

Haha that’s awesome! Yeah my cats hate it and the carrier, whenever we have a vet appointment I need to prepare in advance and break out the fancy treats.

How did you get your cat use to the harness? My little guy loves trying to escape outside but I definitely don’t want him roaming around like that. I tried one time to put a harness on him, and he acted like it was the worst thing ever (he’s 4 years old).

I would take her to a vet or clinic ASAP, because it looks like the incision came apart and it also looks to be infected (can’t say for sure of course but from what I see). Don’t want to wait long, I would say an infection is urgent because risk of spreading and harder to treat, especially after just having a surgery. Keep us updated! 🐾

Cat sleeping in new space? Behavioral

This is probably nothing and normal cat behavior. But my sweet baby has started to go into the bathroom where he likes to plop down on the rug and take naps in there. He still sleeps in his bed, my bed, plays with toys and his sister, eats, acts like his normal crazy self. I’m wondering if I should be concerned about this new behavior, or maybe he just found another spot he enjoys? Has anyone else experienced this? I notice every time I go into the bathroom or shower, he likes to sit on the rug and wait for me too.

Thanks everyone! 🐾