Do you not feel like thats not a very sought after subject and it may be hard if not impossible to build a true base and ever make money? I mean obviously anything is possible and I do hope the best for you, it just doesn’t seem like a big market you know

Detroit Tigers

He would not be a top 3 Tiger, Skubal/Olson/Flaherty are dominating

Yeah I didn’t understand that part either lol

These kind of posts depress me so much honestly, $10.5k a month is insane

No way did I just read someone with $1.5m asks if they’re setting themselves up for failure, talk about flexing, you don’t actually care about anyones advice lol just want to show off

Fwiw, I’m not trying to hate, I’m actually extremely jealous, but posts like these are pretty sad imo that’s all

I have no clue how to edit, the most advanced editing I can do is putting a text bubble overlay over a photo on my phone in the photos app 🤣 nothing further than that editing is insanely difficult

Lol at least you’re able to put away 6k for contributions, some of us put none because we can’t even afford today 🤣

:det3: Detroit Tigers

Tigers most hurt when batting by umps

Lmao I could’ve told anyone that without this graph, it’s so embarrassingly pathetic how many bad calls we get when on offense, but our fans blame the hitters lmao the game threads are hilarious.


Awfully close to being a lock for 2nd? Sure, but I hope you don’t actually believe team wise they’re close to the Lions lol, we’re better at literally every position on offense alone, we may even be better everywhere on defense except maybeee secondary for now depending on rake and Arnold but Amik and Carlton are legit, Lions are way better in most spots

Does being the best defensive 1B in May alone not qualify as “elite in May”? I mean I can definitely respect your opinion for sure I’m simply trying to understand what you qualify as elite

Yeah for middle class I agree it should be doable, $100 is nothing to them


We upgraded from Reynolds? Did I miss some news lol we got Jamo


It’s really just a fight for 2nd between packers vikings and bears, none of them are close to the Lions


Don’t put too much weight on news in May/June lol

The Wings should’ve been in and had they been, they’d be representing the East right now

$100 every other month is just as crazy to me, I don’t think I’ve spent over $100 in the last 1-2 years lmao

He made more than just one nice dive in May lol, I can remember at least 5 plays alone he made that majority of 1B aren’t making, if anyone want to say career wise his defense hasn’t been good whatever, but denying his defense in May alone was elite is simply just hating, the downvotes show the haters we got right now about Tork

Yup just saw, terrible move, gonna hurt our playoff chances unless JHM is great (which I think he will be, I think he was the best offensive prospect of the whole mlb). Glad to see him come up

Yup I just saw, terrible move man I’ve made some bad mistakes in my life but nothing ever that bad, that’s like the Yankees sending down judge lmao

Tork actually has been elite defensively in May alone at least

Tork being sent down would be the worst decision they could make, imagine sending a great player down, he won’t gain anything in Toledo, it would just be dumb and a big mistake

It has nothing to do specifically with just Lamar lol, it’s all nfl players. If we want to leave the depressing parts out and just look at comparison of peers, I’d actually say Lamar is underpaid, he does deserve that money in comparison to how the rest of the nfl is. I’m not complaining about one specific player making too much, I’m simply just saying it’s depressing how much money some people make while others struggle that’s all. And we can go even further and say it’s not even just nfl players, it’s all sports and celebrities everywhere, not even getting started on billionaires either, it’s just all depressing

That makes more sense, still a high amount to me at least haha