I have none but the only band I’d consider is AiC. It would have to be based on the facelift album since that’s my fav.

The boats arrived on dock.

Not the year you want in a camera.

You’re not that smart if you took your 401K and bought this dumb car.

How do you eat all this food? I can’t even eat animal fries without exploding.

Gremlin so don’t feed after midnight.

Those stairs are hard for a dog to go down. They’re reluctant. I would put carpet because your dog can slip as well. Unsteady surface. I had the same issue with my dog so I had to stop her from going upstairs.

The same style that Magnolia Farms does. It’s like country meets modern living.

He has a very shifty way about him.

She is full figured. My cats are normal weight but I always see as too skinny.

Idk I think I’d rather eat without cheese.

"I know Death. He's got many faces. I look forward to seeing this one."