Because of hitler I don’t want to get in trouble

It was a fine movie in my opinion, just another instance of bad writing snowballing

I hated the way the breakup was in Kickass 2SpoilerMovie

When Dave said it was about Kickass stuff, I think Katie should’ve been like “Oh who?” Instead of calling him a pedophile. The whole way that scene was presented was horrible. After finishing the movie that was the worst part of the entire movie and I just really hated the whole way it was presented. In the first Kickass they should’ve gone with the comic part instead of making him go with Katie. Just a bad writing part

Fallout new Vegas is extremely fun, and it has pretty decent third person

We have a special rack to put it on since some models aren’t detachable up can just set it on the stand

It’s probably just a parent company owning everything

Well some people would leave, because I am a low level. I’m talking the high level people would leave or just not join my missions, but usually 1 other person about the same as me would join and we’d have a good time but more often then not I never host a lobby which reaches over 2 people which sucks

I hate the people who kick me because I am low level playing a bot missionRANT

This was on level 4 difficulty mission, so clearly something I can handle (I am level 5 as of writing this) and I join a bot mission, and as we are about to start, I just get kicked. No big deal so I join another, and the same thing happens. I’m starting to get ticked off at this, but then I join a third one and the leader before kicking me says “Go to bug mission noob” or something like that and I get booted right after. I hate being kicked from 75% of bot lobbies in level 4s because I don’t have a lot of anything. I want the game to be challenging so i am playing it on higher difficulties, but people apparently think I am going to be a nuisance and use up all the reinforcements because I’m not a higher level. Level 3 missions are a drag sometimes, and the level 4s are fun and challenging, but I can’t do them on my own. Obviously I know I have to level up but it’s hard to keep playing the game when it’s pretty simple.

Shotguns are the best type of weapon in the gameOPINION

The laser weapons for me are a solid second, but nothing can beat the damage and versatility some shotguns have. I have killed small groups of enemies from a medium distance away (10-15 meters) and shredded them with ease with just a few shots. Shotguns may not have the best reload speed, but it’s worth it for the damage output.

It’s on everything, on Reddit it’s karma farms, on steam it’s point farms, go into the profiles see the persons 100 reviews or posts which are all the same

Most assassins creed games, and terraria would be a pain in the ass without pylons

DMRs have always been mediocre at best