“Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories” (GBA version)

I don’t have the patience to go through the mechanics of a game like that anymore.

I thoroughly loved and enjoyed the game when I played it though.

The Witcher 3.

One of my all time faves.

I’m one trophy away because I missed the Gwent card at the ball during the middle of the storyline.

The Gwent cards were the only items that didn’t carry over to NG+. I refuse to replay it for the plat.

Download an app called “Headway.” You can set personal goals and read digestible summaries instead of entire books. It will help with your reading and your personal growth goals, and you can modify your growth/learning goals as you go.


The Witcher 3.

Played all 3 of these.

Witcher 3 is the absolute best, even without the DLC. But, you will want to play the DLC, and it will be totally worth it.

All three games are good though. Witcher 3 is a more complete experience imo.

Pointless. Save your breath and your time; it’s like telling an alcoholic that they’re an alcoholic. They will deflect and call you crazy.

They don’t reflect on things and when they do listen, they’re filtering out the intended message to “win” / “come out on top” of the exchange.

Not at all.

I have the Sonic Adventure 2 Battle OST as a YT playlist (along with some anime bangers).

Music is music. We like what we like.

My top 10:

Naoki Urasawa’s “Monster”


Death Parade

Terror in Resonance

Good Night World

Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood

Tokyo Ghoul

Kaiju No. 8 (on going)

My Hero Academia

Solo Leveling

Playing CyberPunk atm, and I sunk hours into (and beat) RDR2 and GOTsu. I also destroyed The Witcher 3, and am one trophy away from getting the platinum achievement (missed a gwent card in the middle of the game; I refuse to get it).

Anyway, for me, TW3’s story is the best overall. The graphics are great and still hold up, especially after several patches, and even without the dlc there is a lot to do and explore.

My ranking:

TW3 > RDR2 > GoTsu > CyberPunk

Solid advice. Noticed this with my friends. We have been friends for decades and we all do this. I feel that people feel respected if you (respectfully) bluntly acknowledge that you’re about to say something they probably won’t like.

A person who could forcefully penetrate you (and keep it up) knew exactly what they were doing. He couldn’t possibly see you as a conscious being with an inherent existential value.

And, if he apologized for raping you, it kind of implies that he knew what he was doing and did it anyway.

You’re doing the right thing.

Keep that person off the streets.

Please go to therapy; specifically a therapist qualified to handle sexual assault cases.

Sorry you experienced that and I am deeply sorry for the toll shame and betrayal has likely taken on your life.

OP should pin your comment.

Countering a manipulator is being a manipulator.

There are no winners in a toxic, ego-based game.

It’s just time and emotions invested in the wrong direction.

Oh man…It sounds like your partners were pretty unsupportive and didn’t understand your feelings or mental state. I can’t imagine sex being enjoyable when one person isn’t into it—I think it’s something we can sense intuitively.

You might have a low sex drive, or perhaps your partners simply didn’t turn you on.

In my view, it takes a very particular kind of person to be able/willing to continue having sex when their partner expresses discomfort or lack of interest. It doesn’t sound like they were in the right headspace to connect with you.

Additionally, you might be someone who needs more foreplay or warming up.

Everyone is different when it comes to what gets them in the mood.

For example, some people get excited just by thinking about sex, while others might be aroused by specific touches, kisses, or even seeing their partner do something productive.

Exploring what works for you before involving someone else could be helpful.

If it’s a matter of a low sex drive, there’s nothing wrong with that.

Some people just don’t communicate passion through sex or find release in it.

Conversely, some treat sex casually, almost like drinking water, and it doesn’t carry much meaning for them.

It might help to explore your own thoughts and preferences without pressuring yourself into what you “should” like or feel.

Personally, I don’t believe there is a “perfect” person for everyone, and some may prefer being single despite enjoying the idea of romance.

Idealized fantasies often don’t match reality.

I’m also very skeptical of people who claim “perfect” compatibility, and think they’re often hiding compromises or have unspoken issues, regardless of the type of relationship.

Everyone has different turn-ons and turn-offs, and the only universal thing we share as people is that no one wants to feel betrayed, used, or hurt.

Having sex when you’re not feeling it is a form of self-betrayal, and a partner who doesn’t make an effort to respect or understand your desires is using you for their own pleasure or deliberately betraying you to meet a needs they aren’t expressing. Betrayal isn’t just about cheating; it includes deception, lack of consideration, and intentional poor communication.

I apologize for the lengthy post, but your situation resonated with me.

No one should be crying in the shower after consensual sex. That’s a deeply distressing experience, and I hope you never feel that way again.

Good sex with someone who shares your mental and emotional wavelength is incredible. When it’s genuine, it’s priceless, whether with a stranger or a long-time partner.

I believe sexual connection, intimate communication, and genuine desire should be taught in schools to avoid disharmonious connections. If we valued self-knowledge for achieving genuine fulfillment, we might avoid mismatched, unfulfilling, and painful experiences—like bad sex.

Helped me, tbh. Try it out. It’s not fun or pleasant, but if you feel gross/grossed out, try letting it out 👀🤷🏻‍♂️

Been with a woman who cheated with much older woman. I gave it three years, went to therapy, etc.

If she cheats, she was going to do it anyway and will do it again, and (ironically) will treat you worse for accepting the behavior and trying to move past it.

Cheating isn’t an accident and women don’t deserve a pass simply for being a woman.

There are things accountable people who are capable of self reflection just don’t do.

A woman who can cheat on you, is a woman who doesn’t like, want, love, or value you. You’re keeping the seat warm and she’s just stringing you along while she talks to other people and tests what’s out there.

Women like this are diabolical and will literally drain your soul without a second thought. Even if the sex is good and you genuinely enjoy her company, you’ll come to realize the pros do not outweigh the internal emotional cons.

Don’t accept it. Don’t forgive it. Don’t deal with it.

Women know exactly what they’re doing and want a man just stupid enough to accept her as she is while she whips him into shape and molds him into something ideal for her.

Buy a video game, a few sex toys and utilize your local strip club.

My ex-wife cheated on me with a much older woman, claiming they had an emotional connection. She even suggested we have a threesome because the sex was so good. We were both 29, while the woman she cheated with was over 50 and had kids our age.

Seeking advice, I turned to my dad, a casual cheater himself, who downplayed my feelings, implying that “cheating happens” and that my emotions were probably wrong. This led me to stay in the marriage despite feeling unseen and unheard.

My ex never apologized for her betrayal, insisting it had nothing to do with me and that I should “get over it” and “stop being insecure.” In couples therapy, she blamed our problems on my traumatic past, never admitting her own wrongdoing.

Ashamed to tell my friends, I buried my feelings, leading to random crying fits and paranoia. Despite these issues, we moved across the country, bought a house, and tried to start over. When I brought up starting a family, she demanded I make $10 million first. This made me realize I didn’t know who I was with.

I divorced her a week later after nine years together (six years dating, three married). During the divorce, she frequently checked in on me, knowing I was isolated. When the divorce was finalized, she lashed out, blaming me for ending the marriage.

It took two years of therapy to even think about dating again. Now, I struggle to trust both women and men I haven’t known for years.

I’m sorry you had to go through that OP.

Honestly, tip your hat, take the “L”, run and go to therapy.

Don’t mess with the manipulator and don’t get even.

Find a place to throw up (vomiting helps), then find a professional to vent to, and repeat your feelings/pain to said professional over and over in as many sessions as it takes until you feel like you can breathe.

You will never be made whole in this situation—even if you try to get “justice”.

After a few months (maybe even a year) of being single, celibate and airing EVERYTHING out to a professional in a safe environment, you will be in a different place—even if it doesn’t seem like it now.

Just run. You’re supply and she feeds off your emotions. Damaged goods. Leave it alone. Unfortunately, a woman raised solely by a woman is usually the type to have an excuse for everything she does, and if her excuses don’t make sense, “You’re the crazy one for not understanding.”

You’re in over your head. Her behavior will get worse with time. Just let her go.

Additionally, if you feel she cheated/betrayed you already, she probably did but sees it as something else, like “teaching you a lesson” for taking too long to respond when she “needed” you.

Sorry this person fell in to your life and deeply sorry if you care so much that you feel like helping her in some way.

You can’t/won’t change her as she is and will be exactly who she wants to be.

Mask of the Phantasm, for sure.

Even though it’s older, the quality is higher imo and the lines, atmosphere and even some of the scenes still give me chills.

Mask of the Phantasm is dark, gritty, and actually has a deep element of fear that permeates through the movie. It’s the kind of horror/terror that feels right for Batman.

The Dark Knight was great, but I personally feel that live action just doesn’t work for Batman. No matter how it’s funded/produced, you just can’t hit the unsettling atmosphere within the story beats of the movie. The panning doesn’t feel the same. The real faces aren’t exaggerated enough. It just doesn’t do it for me.

Yes, even if you try to play it off, they know when you figure them out. They can feel when you can actually see their face imo. They’re used to wearing masks and “hiding” so when you figure them out you get their wrath and they pull all the stops to drive you crazy and make you seem like you only “see” them because you did something you shouldn’t have.

It’s pretty scary because you realize they’re a black hole with a human mask. Literal nightmare fuel.

If you’re dealing with one, just leave. Don’t play games with them. Don’t try to get even if they hurt you. Just run. Don’t even try to explain to friends and family; some friends and family are narcissists and will use your experience/pain to vindicate themselves.

Great taste OP. You had me on several shows. Not sure they are “top” animes, but “Steins;Gate” and “Brotherhood” say all I need to know.

Why would you do that? If you behave this way nonchalantly and casually, you deserve that slap. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Never underestimate the power of a good cry. Great way to just let pent up frustrations out.

Agree with walking too. Getting a good walk in can work wonders if you feel stuck, indecisive, anxious or just unpleasant.

I like sending funny memes to friends when I feel really crappy. If something makes me laugh, something about sharing it with someone who I know will see it and enjoy it, always picks me up.