I'm sorry, what are you trying to say here? Your comment seems completely unrelated to what I said.

If 20,000 people across three states had changed their vote, trump would have won. Biden absolutely did not “wipe the floor” with him.

Both can be true. There can be people on the democrats side that might not be sabotaging, but just don’t particularly care about winning.

Because for the last five years anyone who brings up Biden being an old fossil has been shouted at with the exact message you’re saying while we all agreed trump was ten pounds of shit in a five pound bag.

Now everyone is shocked and appalled over Biden’s health since no one has been talking about it. If people had ignored arguments like yours we wouldn’t have been in this mess and now everyone’s terrified at getting pulled into reality.

Sure, but things change and the man is just 61. It’s definitely possible for the process to start again in 10-15 years and for him to still be alive by the end of it.

When someone mention Harris' humor the first thing that pops into my mind is the time she was asked about going to work for Biden after her most memorable moment was calling him out for working with white supremacists to limit her education as a kid. She said “it was a debate” and laughed.

Might not be fair, but it is a fact that this is what pops into my head when you say that and it’s not a good look.

You mean like how more Bernie voters went to support Hillary in 2016 than Hillary supporters went on to support Obama in 2008?

My biggest problem is that I never get to play the sieges I enjoy. I want a full stack in a fortified city defending against a credible threat. I’ll be lucky if this happens once per long campaign.

The main thing I remember about her is that when she was asked about getting a functional healthcare system that doesn't leave people financially devastated or dead, her response was that it's the equivalent of kids asking for a pony.

Being depressed about the state of the country is apparently a russian psy-op. There are only two kinds of people, people who chant "USA USA" all day every day, and russian bots.

If someone comes up and stabs you in the shoulder, do you laugh and say "other people get stabbed in places that are much more dangerous, I'm actually fine!" and just go home?

Oh, that was a response to the quote "Every democracy has failed because people are fucking stupid." and I said the quote should be "Every society has failed because people are fucking stupid."

I thought of point 2 when I saw the trailer. I just thought "what stupid Shyamalan twist would make sense here....daughter is the killer"

The American non-democracy? Sorry, I'm not sure what you're saying here.


I think that one of the biggest reasons is because the people who would possibly be the best leaders aren't interested. The people who can't be bought or bullied.

I think there's a bit of this, but you're underestimating the rolling ball of corruption. When the system is inherently corrupt or allows for corruption, it becomes more difficult to get power without using corruption. This keeps going and corruption becomes more and more prevalent until the non-corrupt becomes a vanishingly small minority. This has been going on for almost 250 years in the US and started when they made essentially the richest person in the country the president.

Once corruption is everywhere, the system relies on powerful people bullying others into doing what they want, something that inevitably ends in fascists trying to take over.

People who treat Biden the same way Republicans treat Trump. For example, people who insist that the debate wasn’t a disaster.

Generally people who care more about staying loyal to the party than actually doing anything to fix the situation

Why don’t we just kill everyone? I guarantee alcohol consumption will drop when everyone’s dead and that’s all that’s needed to make a successful law.

And of course non-democracies tend to fall apart because there’s no system that can reliably pick non-stupid people to be in charge. You can just switch democracy to societies and be correct most of the time.

No you're wrong. The idea of that movie was to create a vehicle for as many puns as possible, and it was executed to perfection. "I finally had the time to buy this" I'm running out of time" "Where do you fin the time"

If only Bush hadn't okayed a plan to get rid of almost all trained Iraqi administrators and then refuse to let US professionals come over so Cheney and Rumsfeld could have fun blowing stuff up without anyone complaining.

If the house is burning down, no one cares if the person they called to help went and fixed the pipes, installed a new smoke detector, and quilted you a full rug.No one is going to say "wow you did a great job with the pipes" because their home is burning down.

Sure, Biden is doing great stuff, but tons of people need desperate help and aren't getting it. It's like how the economy might be doing better but regular people might not feel it at all.

The problem is that Biden and the Democrats are unwilling to try for the needed radical change, and to be fair to them, might not be able to implement said change if they were willing.

If you look at Allen Lichtman's 13 Keys to the White House, incumbents have significant advantages, and debate performance has little to no effect on this.

First of all, Allen Lichtman is not a prophet, just because something is usually true doesn't make it always true. We know Bidens approval has plummeted and all anyone talks about now is how goddamn old and weak Biden is.

People were saying "ahh we're screwed, there's no way we can win" in 2020 when Biden ended up as the Democratic pick over Bernie. I still remember those days well.

Yes, I remember when the Democrats picked a man who was 20,000 votes, spread over three states, away from losing to Trump. And that was after the Covid disaster.

You're not wrong about most of it though, Democrats will probably lose if Biden is pushed out. I'd say he will almost certainly lose if he isn't pushed out though. Really he should have stepped down from the start like a lot of us were screaming.

Regarding 2020, Biden almost lost that. About 20,000 people across 3 states changing their minds would have had Trump win. Maybe a scarecrow would have had the same (or more) votes, but it was incredibly close.

Personally I don’t support Biden because I support the left. I think Trump will win if Biden is the candidate, why would I possibly support Biden if that’s the case? At least if they switch candidates we might have a chance.

Biden is not the confirmed nominee, why is supporting him at this point “required”

I just couldn't get over how the main plot point of Frozen 2 was that homeopathy was real.