Hank nuked thousands of people just because his wife left him, I say it's pretty fair to call him one of the worst assholes if not the worst of the show

Conservatives when you tell them immigrants aren't the reason for their failed marriage

Es gibt bei Robert Bosch die exakt selben Nachtische, lmfao

DafuqBoom, the very creator of the toilet we shall not speak of. His SFM animations back in the day were hilarious

Meinst du nicht Militärübung, die nach der Konfrontation mit einem Feindverband (Schäfer mit Schafsherde) in der tragischen nuklearen Vernichtung der Graubünden endet? (Es war Kollateralschaden)

Ich wünschte ich wär in einer Beziehung mit 0% Autorität, ich lass mir gerne sagen, wo es lang geht :333

Ozai shaking and kicking against the cabbage merchant's seat I AM THE PHOENIX KING!

I hope not, war changes if I do...

It can be very useful. Not in the way it is used right now, though

Have you ever heard of YouTubers like Gianni Matragrano?

Then what makes AI images problematic? It's also "just some guy typing a text into an algorithm". AI doesn't belong in the creative sector, unless you're the programmer behind it, I'll die on that hill.

Yeah, but the use of the images won't cause unemployment to who created them and those images were drawn with effort and thought. These two things cannot be compared if you ask me

Yeah, fuck writers and voice actors, they don't matter

Then I suggest this rule to be amended immediately. Banning only AI-generated images but not texts and audio files seems arbitrary to me.

And then he'll get banned by the overseer

I thought AI garbage was banned on this subreddit.

Nein. Wer Stalinismus und die Hamas unterstützt ist gleichermaßen schlimm wie jeder Faschist in meinem Buch.

This was Mrs. McGill's "Nice move, Walt" moment