I’m loving seeing the influencers get this taken away. I am sad for a close friend of mine who has a legitimate issue NOT get hers renewed. Poor girl doesn’t even ride many things, she mostly uses the parks to walk and get out of her home and likes a few of the slower attractions. 

Disney told her to rent a wheelchair, or buy Genie+, and always bring a friend to wait in lines with her. Oh and to not come to Florida when it’s hot. She lives here, and they suggested she move. 

But now, nope. All because of these stupid influencers and that awful scammer LJ and smart moms. Ugh

I don’t think those workers should be paid like a tipped employee at all. But the whole letter was a hot mess.

My .02

She is the worst ever. Full stop. And instead of banning her Disney just changes all the rules she breaks. It’s crap 

While the owner of Gideon’s is a bit of a, ahem, well, anyway, their letter is insane and entitled and shows a level of insanity that seems to sum up the younger generation these days. My brother is a bit like that, but my mom tries to squash it. Too many awards in grade school breeds this level of entitlement IMO.

But the owner is all those things. He doesn’t do what people want, he does whatever HE wants and his comments are “it’s my way or the highway”, and as a small business owner he gets to do that provided he’s following employment laws. I won’t buy his cookies, and with the summerhouse open, no need.

She’s to far gone at this point to ever become a decent human. Can’t believe she’s openly drinking like she is as well. It’s sad to watch her downfall 

Maybe they are hoping Kyle will boost their numbers. Can’t believe they outted themselves as club member

Buts he’s always a thirst trap. He’s just being more open about it maybe? Shirtless should not be allowed at these races! 

It was such a mess. The worst one yet. It was just to crowded and seemed almost dangerous out there especially with the heat. 

Wonder how much her sidekick paid. It’s kind of weird she has “friends” who pay to be her friend. 

Why is she even still here in Orlando? She needs to go away 

Somehow I suspect she either got it for free or got someone else to pay 

Sabeen, @thehijabibounder seems to be really using her “job” to try and become an actress? I don’t know why they invited her last night to the Loki thing but okay. She doesn’t even have a huge following. 

Don’t get me wrong, I am all for representation and it’s been wonderful to see it. But there is something about this woman that is fake. All her “manifesting”, seems more like something more sinister. 

I wish she would go back to all her cute disney bound stuff instead of this new path of trying to make herself famous or whatever this is. Seems like a bit of a mean girl thing going on as well

And ofc she went to club 33 for her birthday. Just like all the other influencers and wannabes 

I am about ready to unfollow her. Anyone know any other minority gals I can follow?

The question is, who convinced her to go somewhere as mundane as Benihana 

Ew, why is she still even around? As far as spend, my mom spends way more than that yearly on her cc but she pays it off every month. 

Shes a real piece of work. I don’t follow her but she’s always popping up on my fyp and she just, ick. Shes just ick 

Honestly I daresay there’s some truth to it 

I have a whole laundry list of stuff, he is really really awful. 

I don’t know, but I do know he’s not a nice human. 

Naw but Heather Peggs was out here last week so I would assume that’s who took them.