Are you guys getting married in wallmart over there?

Viele anfänger stellen den sattel so ein, dass sie mit beiden beinen sicher auf dem boden stehen können. Das gibt ihnen ein gefühl der sicherheit, ist aber extrem schwer so zu treten. Ein guter startpunkt für die sattelhöhe ist, ihn so hoch zu stellen, dass man mit der verse grade noch so auf dem pedal in unterster stellung stehen kann ohne sich strecken zu müssen.

The difference is about 800g. If the rider and bike weigh 80kg in total, thats a saving of 1%. If you put out 300w on a seriously steep climb (12%+) with the 105 groupset, you'd only need to put out 297w with the ultegra groupset at the same speed.

That's the strongest argument i could come up with for choosing the ultegra groupset. 105 is the better option.

Yeah, my money rides on the mudguards too.

First you need to prove you're not a just really advanced abacus.

It gives a rough estimate. Normally you'd take that as a starting point and try out different lenses in the second step. With a child this young it won't be possible, since they cant tell you if it gets better or worse with each lense. Still, taking a child from -5 dpt to -1 or +1 dpt makes a giant difference.

Yeah, I'll let this kind of racism slide. The world would be a better place, if we'd all be able to take jokes like this.

Wenn ich kaputt bin, nehme ich gerne eine dusche um zu entspannen. Interessant, dass Lampen das ebenfalls tun. Sie hat die Duschhaube schon aufgezogen.

But safety inspections hinder innovation!

Alright, jokes aside. I've got the same problem with my artificial leather headphones. My bodily hygiene is on point. Problem is, that you can't realy wash these headphone covers, or they'll disintegrate. The grease from your skin just gets soaked in and accumulates. Haven't found a way to clean them efficiently. Wiping them of with a soapy towel does nothing. You guys have any recommendations? I'm thinking of switching to washable fabric based headphone covers otherwise.

Damn, I joined this community, after my main account got hacked. Had no idea.