So John Epic Games is indeed, smoking methamphetamine.

I was having so much fun climbing on tank with JQ, Rein, Sig and D.Va, then got brutally reminded of Mauga's existence. Seems like there is literally nothing else you can pick except Mauga if you want to give your team an even chance of winning. Which is objectively the most boring thing in the game, tanks holding click on each other. Unless I gotta pick up Zarya?

Good question. One to rule them all? Graffiti tracer. Favorite to use? Volcanic genji.

Damnnnn I rly copped RTL just in time

I played a game today where BOTH teams were breaking, i was fighting the final orochi and my HALF-HEALTH TEAMMATE lets him kill me solo just to die instantly

:Genji: Genji

Primehardt, Bastion Bee, Drift Genji, Mirage Echo, Ramatron, Ironhide D.Va, Houndston


I just got back into for honor. Is this a universal execution? And did this BP just drop?

Definitely depends if it's "in a row" or not. I'm sure the majority of guys would be able to crank out many more, given they had even 15 seconds of rest broken up throughout.

Innately flashy, yet executed so practically. Bravo

This is the only thing that worked for me. Helped by Tretinoin from the dermatologist.

Cleanest console genji aim I've seen.

I'll give it a download and see if pk still seems fun in training. Glad they aren't hated at least