Pep would have him as a triple pivot inverted semi automatic right wing back

I think the Parker Solar Probe went faster. I might be wrong, but I'm fairly sure.

But why are these things not retrospectively done? Either during or after the game. This is a clear and obvious error from the referral and VAR can see that. So why not just tell him?

Or wait until after the game, and ban him for 3 games. Set a precedent


Sofascore has it as 00:00 here in England, so I'm guessing that is 7pm EST. Google definitely just hasn't clocked the game is in the states because it's two English teams

Jota was shit when he came on what are you on about? Starting?

It's close, I'm still a Checo fan, but it's close

I feel like he is just desperate for a single goal in the tournament, it's why he played against Georgia. It's why he was taking all the FK yesterday.

If anyone here knows about football, you'd know that he's really not the problem in this Portugal team. He makes runs in behind, players don't look for him. He makes darting runs in the box, no one passes to him.

Portugal's crossing has been abysmal, their counter attacks are so slow, you've got some of the fastest players at the tournament and yet you can't counter attack? What is that all about?

I genuinely saw 5 or 6 opportunities to play him in, and the only one where they do, it's on his left foot and a narrower angle. Yeah he should've done better, but they literally missed so many chances as a team, not just him.

Objectively he's a scapegoat, that's also why Martinez will keep him in there. Bernardo Silva, Leao, Fernandes, Jota were all really poor last night, so singling out Ronaldo is just easy because he's Ronaldo. Ultimately, despite the penalty save in ET, he still took that first penalty and compiled the pressure Costa caused.

They'll be fine, it's also worth mentioning that "the best striker in the world" also didn't score against Slovenia. know.

Not a fan of the way this game has gone tbh. Two Spain goals while players were down injured is wrong for me. Ref has blown up for Spain 'injuries' during the game.

You're right. Nothing that this Reddit user says will change the outcome of the game.

Not on any kind of spiritual, mystical, magical level anyway

F B E A D [Itv Adverts][the bit where my TV went on to standby because it had been on for too long] C

:PL:Premier League

You'd rather take clubs off of a bunch of self serving rich people who don't give a shit about the clubs or their fans because they think they're better than them and can do what they want, instead favouring a bunch of semi-elected self serving rich people who don't give a shit about the clubs or their fans because they think they're better than them and can do what they want,

Awful lot of people here that think Spain will smash Georgia, a lot also giving Georgia no chance.

If they take their chances when they come and maybe get a bit of luck, then they obviously have a chance. I don't think it'll end anywhere near 7-1. I think will be a close game and the Georgians will give it a good go. If I was Spanish, this is the game I'd be worried about, you know what to expect against the more traditional "big" teams.

I feel like 99% of YouTubers use the editor for their clubs. Also it's coming back, it's just not in this year. I think you're over reacting to this.

The other guy is right. When moving the game to a whole new engine you have to consider time and efficiency, if 0.5% of people are using it, you probably don't need to implement it day 1.

The emails screen is different, but they're going in a different direction with it. It might be good, it might not, I'm glad they're at least trying something different personally.

Why does it always end up with nonces asking me to "flair up", what difference does it make? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ””๐Ÿ”š

If that's the limiting factor every bit of contact in the box is a penalty. Got it

I'm not, I just watch football and understand it. Players not giving him the ball at any point, and then he gets slandered by nobodies. Wild take

The Georgian one was absolutely not a penalty either, by the way

Come apart at the seams? From what I saw he was given the ball three times, hit the target 3 times. A good save, 2 very good defensive blocks preventing goals, and a stone wall penalty not given?

Not sure what Ronaldo you were watching ๐Ÿ˜‚

I'm not a Portuguese fan but if you believe that the shirt pull on Ronaldo wasn't a penalty, and that the Georgian one was a penalty, you might follow the wrong sport

I wasn't trying to impress you ๐Ÿ˜‚. I was explaining why calling it bullshit is hilarious if you know how to use it, but go off chief