Iron Man (Mark XLIII)

This girl is so ugly, I don't understand why she is getting so much attention, this hawk tuah thing is not even funny.

Iron Man (Mark XLIII)

I'd rather listen to my toe than a nobody's opinion like yours.

Iron Man (Mark XLIII)

Bro is delusional


Gayatri Sadhna or Gayatri Upasana is the dharma of every dcija (Brahmana). So, after upanayanasanskara, Brahamanas can and should do it every day while maintaining proper hygiene and taking the correct steps. However, it is not meant for everyone. Gayatri Mantra chanting can be done by anyone but the Sadhana has certain rules one needs to follow as it can cause problems if not done so.


I am really sorry about all of that. The thing is, everything that happened to you in the past wasn't under your control, but what you do right now is. The results of your past actions, the bad karma that has manifested in your life, is simply the reaction to your past reactions. But once you start performing the right actions, you will find your purpose. Shree Krishna doesn't care what you are, he won't care about what you've done in the past, he will never judge you. All you need to do is completely surrender yourself to him. It's no use to look for like-minded people online because people nowadays are downright bad. They will judge you, they will tell you how it's unacceptable for you to indulge in Krishna bhakti, but they would be wrong. Such people are usually insecure and misguided people who project their own fears and insecurities on others, trying to mess with their heads. Trust me, don't listen to them. The fact that you want Shree Krishna in your life is enough of a proof that you are a beautiful person. Don't let anyone get to you, believe in Lord Krishna and stay away form negative people.


Dude, at this point we should just accept what happened. You're curious, fine. Use your curiosity in a physics class, not in a movie that came out 5 years ago and did a pretty good job at storytelling.

Iron Man (Mark XLIII)

Pretty sure she will be in a plane for all the screen time she's gonna get...

Edit: I am a Swiftie, assholes. This was just a damn joke. Y'all ever heard of 'sarcasm'?


But they are wearing belts and I don't think leather belts (or even common belts in some temples) are allowed.


Maa Tripura Sundari is a form of Maa Parvati, and she is revered in the tantric community as one of the forms of Maata Aadishakti. Essentially, all forms of Maata Aadishakti are same, but they are different manifestations of the same divine consciousness in different conditions & forms. So, yes, Maa Parvati and Maa Tripura Sundari are the same and you don't need to worship both of them separately. All you need to have is bhakti towards her.

In some regions of South India, Maa Baala Tripura Sundari is also worshipped and she is believed to be the daughter of Maa Parvati and Lord Shiva also known by the name of Ashoka Sundari.


bro are you crazy? it's been 5 damn years since Endgame and it's gonna be like a MINIMUM of 7-8 years at the time Avengers 5 releases.

Had few LDs

It happened with me as well, when I tried to spawn someone, I couldn't see them but I still felt their presence and then I woke up. This is largely because of not stabilizing the dream as soon as you go lucid. You can stabilize your dream by spinning around as soon as you realize that this is a dream. The dream scene will be far clearer after stabilization and you will have way more freedom that way.

Had few LDs

dude, you can do your own research about this. Look up how Mendeleev got the idea of the Periodic Table of Elements. There are numerous examples of scientists discovering the best work of their life because of their dreams. I am not spreading propaganda, this is just how it works.

Had few LDs

As you doze off, focus on the feeling that your problem has already been solved. Know by heart that you have received the answer to your problem and it has been sorted. Repeat it every time you sleep or take a nap until you get the answer to your problem.

Note that you have to persist and persevere. Don't lose hope if it doesn't come to you in the initial tries- the answer will come to you for sure if you have faith.

Had few LDs

Do you play videogames regularly?

Had few LDs

That's exactly what you need to. Set an intention of getting the solution of your problem in your dreams and as soon as you mentally accept that to be true, you will get the answer to your problem.


I mean, of course. That's a form of disrespect to the deity.

EDIT: Clearly, a person deeply rooted into Tantra won't have the time and desire to be on reddit, so I am assuming he is talking about that for a general deity. So, yes, it is highly not recommended and as someone pointed out, one should fear the wrath of an angry deity.


It could be, it could not be. What matters is that Lord Jagannatha's is not just an ordinary temple, it has a completely different vibe from what I have heard.

Had few LDs

Sleeping on your back is the best for LDing, but it doesn't mean you can't lucid dream in any other position.

Had few LDs

If you use android, I can help you. Also mention the brand of your phone if possible. Not sure if it will work but you can try nonetheless.

Had few LDs

have you tried granting admin access to that app? Idk about iOS but that works in android. And I really agree with you, I have discovered many ways to bypass such alarms such as rebooting the device, uninstalling the app itself, force stopping the app as you mentioned, or even clearing the data lol


so y'all are gonna judge my grammar now? Fucking cunts -_-


Are you guys seriously downvoting me coz I said Secret Invasion was bs? Like, seriously? If y'all liked that then i am sorry to say this but y'all have lost taste.

Had few LDs

it's okay, as i said it is not necessary to sleep on your back. sleep in any position (avoiding sleeping on your stomach tho) but do the WILD/MILD whatever you're doing properly.