
The article fails to mention that he was using the sword to smash up a bunch of pottery and bludgeon a bunch of chickens before getting arrested.

It's just the latest marketing of consumer crap that doesn't work to insecure men, promising it will make them look better, be more attractive to the opposite sex, make them more sexually virile, etc.

Who TF feels like they need to share their sex life with other people like that?!?!?!?!

Oh wait, Trump would? Yeah, sounds about right, excuse me while I go throw up.

Guess I've been reading too much Game of Thrones and Western European Medieval/Renaissance history, where men went mad trying to have a healthy, legitimate male heir to maintain their family wealth and power.

I'm surprised he didn't make Barron his favorite, he looks like Trump when he was younger, got that whole 'Wolf of Wall Street' look and everything. It's always been really strange to me how much Trump seems to look down on all his sons so much, instead of trying to live vicariously through them or mold them in his image, comic book villain style.

Yes, the USSR was overly reliant on oil revenues for money and the money dried up, hence their pullout of Afghanistan and subsequent breakup. The US does not just rely on oil revenues, it has a far more diversified economy.

Russia is still very reliant on oil revenues for its economy, that's why Ukraine is attacking their oil refineries.

I'm open to a Zelda RPG, as long as they're doing something really experimental or creative with it, such as:

Paper/Wooly/Crafted Zelda - Similar to Paper Mario or Yoshi's Crafted World, a lighthearted, funny story with a paper/crafted visual theme with a story that parodies Zelda/JRPG tropes. Solid combat is designed around partners such as a Sheikah who can flatten you both to hide, a Goron who can go over lava/break boulders, a Zora who can carry you over water, etc.

Turn-based Zelda, similar to XCOM 2 - You recruit/build a roster of fighters of various races, ages, abilities and sizes and do missions that are tightly integrated with the story. For example, you're stationed at Fort Hateno and the Fort is attacked. You miss out on the initial attack because you were in the infirmary, you've discovered a tunnel being used to try and infiltrate the fort, but your channels of communication to the rest of the fort has been cut off. Now you need to cobble together a team of wounded/tired fighters from the sick bay and have limited access to weapons, armor and supplies.

Re-imagining of Zelda II - I've always been of the opinion that Zelda II had some good ideas, but the limited technology kept the original vision from being realized. Have the game be partially open world, where you can access the first 4 dungeons and some sidequests in any order you want, then after you complete them, another set of more difficult dungeons and sidequests become available.


The Soviet Union was in a very different position than the US in Afghanistan. The US chose to pull out even though it had the resources to continue, the Soviet Union pulled out because they really needed to stop bleeding money. It had a whole host of other domestic and international problems that the US did not have, in addition to the Afghan occupation.

I think the only realistic option for Ukraine is to just keep shooting until the Russians run out of the resources to continue and leave with nothing.

Read up on the Soviet Afghan War. After 10 years of insurgency, Soviet officials tried desperately to ask for some kind of concession from every group operating in Afghanistan. Warlords, CIA agents, Pakistani intelligence, etc. They all knew the Soviets planned to leave regardless, so they just all laughed in their faces and said the attacks would stop when Soviet soldiers left. They pulled out empty-handed and with the Red Army's reputation as being invincible shattered, it really was a major factor in their breakup.

It's probably along similar lines to those incel assholes who praise young men for going on terrorist rampages.

Sadly, the pattern for these knife attacks in China appears to be mostly angry, older men at the bottom of society with no money, no partner, no status and no job (or at best a menial one). They decide to lash out at innocent children because they're bitter and resentful towards those who do have the resources to get married and have a child.

Kanye's a shithead, but he's also got mental illness, which is horrible weather you're rich or not. All those 'take your meds, lol' people don't know or care that a lot of those drugs have some nasty side effects.

I just hope they make him bathe/shower and shave regularly. Making the other inmates put up with his smell is cruel and unusual punishment.

What does that have to do with Doug Ford? You want to talk about Trudeau, I'm sure there's another thread around here discussing that...

His daddy was a politician and taught him well.

She's mayor of the most populated city in not just the province, but the entire country and relatively well liked and popular, so kissing her ass is the easiest way to mitigate the public's ire of him.

Government's got a lot of old geezers running things these days.

If they find him dead, laying in a sleeping position in his bed, door was locked from the inside, no signs of struggle, nothing out of place, etc. natural death is a pretty reasonable conclusion. Obviously there will still be an autopsy, but it will most likely confirm what they already suspect.

Someone from South Korea listened to a recording of a North Korean film and told me she can mostly understand them, but they put accents on different syllables, certain words have different pronunciations/syllables, use some terms South Koreans consider archaic and they have some loanwords from Russian. South Korean tends to have loanwords from English.

He's very stupid, unlikable and has no marketable skills. The right-wing grift was really the only way he could hope to make money, but he's just cannon fodder for the culture war that has now outlived his usefulness.

I have a family member who works for the criminal justice system. They told me that criminals actually beat charges a lot of the time, but you shouldn't go live a life of crime because criminals generally lead very shitty lives. Their families turf them, usually after getting their stuff stolen or unwanted drama in their lives. They can't hold a job and no one wants to be their friend, except for other criminals who are just as likely to stab them in the back and leave them in a ditch.

Adaptations need to make changes for any number of reasons. Things have to be added, removed or changed around to fit a new medium, like going from book to film. Some things don't age well as society, technology and values shift over time. Also, adding or expanding can add new dimensions to a story.

As an example, let's look at Robin Hood. What started out as ballads in the 14th century were adapted and expanded over time. Characters like Maid Marian, Friar Tuck and Allan-a-Dale were added over the centuries. The modern pop culture version of Robin Hood as the Earl of Locksley, fighting alongside Richard the Lionheart in the 3rd Crusade was popularized by Sir Walter Scott's 1818 novel Ivanhoe. We're still adding to the Robin Hood story even to this day, where the 1991 movie starring Kevin Costner has a Moor following him back from the 3rd Crusade and joining his Merry Men.

If Robin Hood had never changed or adapted with the times, it would have just remained an obscure footnote to period scholars, not being told and retold in books, movies and video games.

Considering how venal and corrupt the IOC is, that's less a threat and more of a promise.

More democratic countries are starting to realize what a giant scam money pit hosting the Olympics is, the IOC needs big cities like Paris and LA more than the other way around. They already have the existing infrastructure and entertainment industry to hold a proper event. Otherwise they're going to be holding future Olympics in cities with shoddy construction like Sochi or pollution like Rio.


Every man I've ever met who whined that their adult children refused to speak to them was an absolutely unlikeable, irredeemable, unrepentant skidmark of a human being on the underwear of humanity. I only had to interact with them at work and could barely stand them for 8 hours a day on their best behavior. I can only imagine what their kids had to put up with during the first 18 years of their life, when he was in a position of absolute authority over their lives 24/7.

I kind of hope they show him getting arrested in a background scene or on a TV news segment as a gag.

Conspiracies aren't really about the absurd belief. It's more about the person feeling like they have exclusive knowledge for rejecting or running contrary to what is mainstream. Belief in conspiracies can be attractive to a person who has narcissism or issues with self-worth and want to convince themselves that they are special, know more or are better than others. Especially if they feel alienated from society or unhappy about their personal situation for a myriad of reasons (i.e. multiple divorces, unable to hold a job, feeling scared/uncertain about the state of the world, etc.)

1) No need for a large standing army. The US does not have a bunch of neighboring countries who hate them, are near-peer in power and threatening to all attack at once. Their last major wars with Mexico and Canada when it was a British colony were 150 to 200 years ago.

2) Given the rise of Christian Nationalism, incels and the far-right, giving military training to a broad swath of angry, young, disaffected men is ill-advised.

3) US already has laws for conscription. They just won't do it unless it's an emergency, i.e. the US is facing land invasion from a foreign power, a civil war or a WWIII-level invasion of its Western European allies.

Saudi Arabia has oil money and can pay everyone off, including the religious fundamentalists. Once the money runs out, weather it's due to their wells running dry or demand dropping from a transition to alternative energy sources, they'll be in for a bumpy ride.