Across my life my experience has varied wildly from flight to flight. My most recent flights were no issues each way and I did less of what I usually do to prepare. Flights I expected to be easy because I hadn’t had any ear or sinus issues recently have been terrible. I’d see an ENT, prepare the best you can and try not to let it limit your life.

I’ve had sinus and ear issues all my life. I remember having to lay down for hours when we drove up into the mountains as a kid because my head and ears hurt so bad. I had sinus surgery and a septoplasty in 2017 and things went great until around 2020. I drove to the mountains and back and my ear felt clogged for months. Finally went to the ENT and I had completely different pressure in the right side than the left. He put in a tube and it was the best my ear has been in my life. I even had COVID during the period I had the tube in and I definitely had about six months of worse sinus/ear stuff after which lines up with other folks I’ve talked to. My ENT said everything looked pretty good a year ago. I’m pretty sure I’m going to need a new tube when I go in next because I can feel the difference again.

There are multiple prom closets in my region. Search on your local facebook communities to find one.

This is likely a question for an ENT. I have estachian tube dysfunction and often have gotten sinus infections after travel because my ears get clogged because they can’t clear. The next year I’ve had as far as staying healthy was when I had a tube in one ear.

Same here. My dad loved reptiles and had a buddy with a pet store. We’d go visit and he’d have me hold snakes every time. I don’t remember but I’ve been told by three I’d just let them wrap snakes over my shoulders. I’ve not been that extreme, however we always speak positively about all animals even dangerous ones, my kid has been exposed to lots of different animals pets and otherwise all their life. They still had some anxiety holding their first snake for a few days and it resolved pretty quick.

I’m in a completely different field, mental health, and I’ve seen this same dynamic happen with front desk staff. The place I am now there is a vocal conscious effort to get rid of this dynamic and it still keeps getting perpetuated by some. When I started the front desk staff would always seem shocked that I was treating them as professionals.

I’d be surprised if they have that level of tech going on. Subway tends to be one of the cheapest franchises to buy into in part because corporate support is more minimal than a lot of the others. In my area at least, that has made them the worst workplaces going in general, low pay, high turnover and management with minimal training. It also makes getting those jobs fairly easy and I’m pretty sure they hire people with poor work histories on purpose so they are more exploitable. This said from an outside perspective as I’ve not worked in one, I’m a social worker and worked with very low income folks for a few years and every time someone came in saying they got a job at Subway it would play out the same basic way.

45, one disabled teen, two dogs and a cat. Bought a ten year old house in an affordable housing program. Previous owner was a brute force kind of guy. Two years in and focusing on slowly increasing comfort. I added a screen door this spring. Planning on doing a patio when I can score a good deal. Had some water damage (my own fault) this week so may end up replacing my vanity and ugly linoleum in my bathroom sooner.


It appears to be standard. This guy sleeps crazy legged all the time and also like a rock. I can slide him around and he won’t wake.

My American Bulldog mix has shifted over time to more of a side sprawl but I think it’s because of stiffer joints as she’s aged.

When we adopted our pit we asked the foster about any concerns we should look for. The only negative she reported was “he’s an aggressively cuddly sleeper and he’s very warm.”

The issue she had is not math it’s attention to detail. She misread the screen and was so disengaged that she didn’t notice a massive discrepancy. If she’s that distracted on a regular basis she was going to get fired soon.

The part of this I would ascribe to the education system is that often kids are not required to take any accountability or taught how to strengthen their deficits. They’re just passed on so no one has to deal with them. You even hear that attitude echoed from a 12 year old, she probably didn’t know how to do math as though that’s just inevitable. NTA

I like him in the role and as he’s been used. I struggle to see him being Captain James T. Kirk. He just doesn’t seem to have the presence needed. My teen is a huge Vampire Diaries, et al fan and actually wanted to watch some SNW episodes because he was on it. We agreed that all the swagger and charisma he has on Vampire Diaries feels muted. I think he has potential for Captain level swagger having watched him in Vampire Diaries but so far I’m not seeing it. He feels pretty replaceable to me.

That sounds right for a state that recently converted to a ccbhc model. Lots of money flowed in. I went from 44k as a new grad in 2019 to 52k in 2021 would have been at 65k in 2023 if I’d stayed the full year. The folks in my old department have had multiple retention bonuses and salary adjustments since I left. 80 k sounds right.

I did part time as well. I did mine in three years, I initially planned for four but at the end I just needed to get it done and get some sanity back.

As of tomorrow I’ll be in Sedgwick county for the third time in ten days (my kid was at camp in Augusta). I fled the CMHC I was at due to burnout as we were transitioning to CCBHC without a manager for outpatient psych because we couldn’t get anyone to take it on internally or externally. Congrats on the MSW and the job based practicum!

Ha! I was all irritated about not being told my pin. Tried 1234 and voila! It is no longer 1234. I also don’t need my pin to lock/unlock only for climate start.

That’s amazing on the longevity in the role! I’m in Douglas County so very blue. The pay at CMHCs is good these days due to the CCBHC grants/process it drove huge turnover because the transition in most centers was so chaotic. I’m in a college counseling center and we just did a search for a clinical case manager and you could see how badly our candidates wanted out of private practice or were working in not for profits that were struggling.

Privatization has been rough on most services including Medicaid.

I’m in the lower Midwest and most of this is true here as well. Our female democratic governor is holding the line and has been able to block a lot of the worst culture war stuff. We have two more years with her and then who knows. We don’t have much in the way of confederate flags the Midwest version is Trump flags and thin blue line flags.

This is especially true if the University is a state university. You end up with the University bureaucracy, the state university system bureaucracy and the state’s bureaucracy. Then if this is something like a pbs station on a university campus you add more layers. My guess is you got rejected for not being qualified by a committee or even somewhere in HR and they removed you from the search and he didn’t know or thought it was a mistake he could fix that he couldn’t.

My last break up happened the same week my aunt died and my best friend moved states. I was a wreck, grief brain took over. I did a lot of the same things we’d tell a client, I was gentle with myself, got outside and walking as much as possible, did a lot of checking in with myself during the day and dealt with what I could, leaned on colleagues and ate probably too much chocolate.

The thing that was most helpful to me was visualization, I’d put the grief down before each session, if emotions started coming up I’d recycle them into my imaginary water well and put clients’ emotions there too.

This is going to vary vastly by state, county and city in the US. In my state where pot is very much illegal if a city law enforcement officer caught you with just a pipe you may not even get charged or it would be a misdemeanor because the town has decriminalized. If you got caught outside of town by state authorities you would be charged likely with a felony because the child is present. Like others said it would also be referred to the child protection office to investigate. Then depending on the judge, the kid wouldn’t go back to the family until hoops get jumped through including up to several months of negative tests.

45 miles away in a different state nothing would happen at all.

I figured 90% likely it was a white supremacy tattoo and 10% the OP was a bigot and the tattoo was a rainbow flag or similar.