What other platform are you referencing? YT shorts? TikTok? Or both?

I had the same experience. I got it one time last year and didn’t get to use it as much as I would have liked in the 30 days, so I sent it back. Same thing, uncomfortable, too hard etc.

Fast forward to this year I had time, so decided to try again. Even at the 30 days, I was iffy, but felt better. So I decided to take the risk and not send it back too.

Best decision I’ve made, in terms of quality of a chair. I love mine now!

I almost went that route, but decided against it as it looked like it would be sitting on cardboard… Sorry for the pain, you’ve got nothing to lose trying out the embody. Send it back if you don’t like it 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣

Good luck!

Another 6’ 2” checking in. At first, this chair was so painful to me that I sent it back. I felt like it rounded my shoulders forward.

Fast forward to this year, got another one to really test out and was almost certain it wasn’t going to work for me. Rode it out to the day of the return policy and still wasn’t super comfortable, but A LOT better then the first time and the beginning of the second time, so I decided to stick it out.

Now, it is super comfortable! I was hesitant when every review said “it takes time to adjust” but overall, glad I stuck with it… it’s amazing!

No, I tried going the “replace my MacBook Pro with an iPad Pro” because I had a PC for my desktop. I figured it would work ok, so I decided to try it out…. I’ve realized its been a miserable experience for me personally, trying to find a workaround to everything that I do and have decided I just need to sell my iPad Pro and go get myself another MacBook Pro…. I wish they would, I just dont see them ever doing it tbh…

Love that color! 🤤

That’s crazy insane, congrats! I’ve never thought about doing that with my pieces, I just do it for fun. Might be onto something here! Ha

I’m in south Florida too. I was looking for over a year for a discounted one like I see people snagging on this forum quite often. No luck… finally just bought one when they had the sale in November. Good luck!

Canon 70D vs 15 Pro MaxCamera Recommendation

So I just have a quick question that I've been mulling over in my head and looking for some feedback. I have an old canon 70D that I've used for photography in the past. I've been shooting more and more content on my phone and now that Ive upgraded to the iphone 15 pro max it has me questioning.

For talking head for YT, am I better using the 70D even though it shoots in 1080p vs the iphone with 4k log etc? I know social media compresses the hell out of things, which has me questioning using the 70D in the first place.

I know the whole iphones have much smaller sensors debate, but wouldn't it be better than a 10 year old camera? This is a temporary solution mind you, as Im planning on upgrading to get into the Sony ecosystem this year, just haven't decided on what body yet.

You’re absolutely right, that’s the plan! Was going to get an fx30 for my freelancing and content creation, but thinking of saving up for the fx3. Hence why I was debating for now what to get by with for talking head. Would the canon 70d be fine for my A cam and everything else like b roll get with my iPhone? Ya know 🤣

Sorry, don’t use Reddit all that much except to lurk. Added to my profile! 🤣

As for your phone cameras are sht and all the over sharpening and stuff, you’re right. That’s generally my thought process, just was thinking maybe it’s different as I can film in a “log” profile with the 15 PM. Especially since the 70d is starting to show its age, just thought maybe it’s time the phone would be better then 1080 but still think the actual camera is better for the A cam? 🤣

I’m a smaller channel, but I’m typically making content about tech/photography/videography stuff, or that’s the direction I want to take my channel anyway.

Canon 70D or iphone 15 pro maxTECHNICAL QUESTION

So I'm actually pretty torn on this dilemma. I've had the 70D for a while now and I know it doesnt shoot 4k like the iphone but looking for some feedback. I have always typically used the 70D for photography and my iphone for youtube. Talking head, b roll all was filmed on an iphone. I started thinking if I should just hook up the 70D for talking head and capture b roll with my iphone now.

The primary reason is I find the workflow easier with the actual camera if that makes sense. From popping out the SD card, it has a flip out screen to see if Im in frame etc. Just cleaner imo. Sure, I can rig up the iphone 15 PM to get some top quality footage, but at what cost. I have to rig it out with a usb-c dongle so I can plug in a mic, charger, SSD etc.

Am I crazy for wanting to just simplify it with the actual camera, even though it technically can only film in 1080?

I’ve been an OG player too, heavily invested in the comp scene. I played Sunday and that’s been it. Everything you’ve listed, I completely agree. So sad to see them completely sell out… tolerated a lot, but I don’t think I can take this one.