I enjoy hearing them pollinate my nightshade vegetables.

The only thing good about the Transformers movies was getting new Linkin Park songs.

It's entertaining to hear all the buzzing when I'm working near my tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants.

Mine is four inches tall. It is not happy with its current location.

You can, but the pitcher plant will muscle out the others before too long.

But these are the poster child for survival in captivity when the wild population is endangered. The ones as pets aren't being plucked out of wetlands in Mexico City.

If I recall correctly, the concern in places like California is axolotls breeding with related native salamanders.

In my ideal version of reality, this would be a service offered by landscaping companies (which would be competent).

Dangit, now I need Nigel Thornberry cosplaying Nanami.

I'm to your south and at least I'll have Diodia teres blooming by then. A. perennis also tends to be a flowering fiend that doesn't stop 'til frost.

Do you have maypop/passion flower? That's another one that'll just keep blooming.

Probably depends on the plant. I'd guess that alliums would be daylength sensitive, for example.

The deer chopped mine without consulting me first. It fortunately continued to flower.

I get pretty wasps that eat hornworms, so I'm okay with them. Some are a stunning metallic blue color.

Reminder that firefly larva eat softbodied creatures like slugs and snails.

I'd add a caveat to the last sentence that it requires the soil to be native. If you're on new construction with lots of contractor fill, you might need to amend the soil.

On the bright side, at least you have lots of firefly chow.

I really haven't found another urban fantasy that's English language prose that I like as much as Dresden. There are definitely some anime and webtoons/comics that I think are good urban fantasy/scifi. Simon Sues just finished up and that was a great Loftcraftian urban fantasy.

I generally read the weekly releases of manga/webtoons and try out various fantasy and light novels until I find a series I like well enough.


Start there. Though you may be better off looking at state parks for native plants instead of gardens. Most of the gardens I know of in the low country are old plantation properties.