Shit, I was worried he was going to do that

Painting Address Numbers

First time homeowner. I’ve read that in some places the city has to paint your address number on the curb and you’re not allowed to do it yourself. Mine is fading and I want to redo it myself. Anyone know the rules in Eugene?

“Psychics” are grief vampires. They take advantage of vulnerable people. NTA.

I have always really resonated with this song, it always hit in a deep way but I didn’t know why. But your explanation makes a lot of sense to me. I often feel frozen and stuck.

You may be able to live at the mission. Although they have requirements about drugs.

Check your local Buy Nothing group on Facebook!

For sure! I plan to be a respectful and cautious guide. I just meant that I’m confident enough in Spanish to ask for what I want/ask where to go. But def not trying to stick my nose where it doesn’t belong.

Yeah I’m often underwhelmed by sweet life! I’m surprised about market of choice. Will consider! Thanks!

What specifically should I be careful of/looking out for?

Best chocolate cake in town?

Update: we got market of choice! Thanks!

My friend is dying and I want to give him the best chocolate cake ever. Need it in an hour.

Oh hell no. NTA.

The house is in your name. You can do whatever tf you want with it. They sound rude af though.

But for the love of the earth, charge market value for a room if you’re going to rent it out. $125 is way too low. You can google what the average rent is in your city.

Damn that sucks! Sorry that happened.

This is perfect, thank you!

Fun volunteering/community?

Hello! I’m looking to find enjoyable things to do with my life, and I want to consider volunteering. I have a job that is very mentally and emotionally taxing, so I wouldn’t want to do anything like that. Ideally I would do something with my body (serve food, set up events, etc) that helps out a good cause. The * best * case scenario would be working with other people who are kind, and maybe even make some friends 😊 Please let me know if you can think of somewhere like this!

I’m a therapist and YTA. Your therapist should know about the punishment so she can debrief it with you all next session.

Proud of myself - no souvenirsSuccess stories

I just vacationed in a foreign country for 2 weeks and the only non-consumable object I bought is a little fridge magnet ☺️ I like fridge magnets because they’re small and I get to look at them every day.

I’m in the middle of a big move, and decluttering so much stuff, so didn’t want to bring anything else home!!

I’m reading a lot of negative things online about Olas Atlas beach. Like deemed unsafe to swim because too much fecal matter, and very murky?

Do you agree? Is it easy to get to other beaches?

I’m reading a lot of negative things online about Olas Atlas beach. Like deemed unsafe to swim because too much fecal matter, and very murky?

Do you agree? Is it easy to get to other beaches?