Do you just use a can opener? (Just want to say I bursted into laughter seeing this.)

Deathmask Divine by Black Dahlia Murder. It's my favorite song of all time and whenever I get manic and want to crazy stuff I listen to it and drive around until I calm down.

I gotta try it again. I own it but I set it the highest difficulty and got absolutely butchered. Kinda turned me off so I'm gonna go back with less confidence. Good tip!

Blood. The 90's shooter. The shotgun is like the Doom 2 super shotgun but Caleb is faster than Doom Guy when tossing two more shells in. I think that whole game is underrated.

Switch controller right? That's correct on Nintendo I think.

I beat Quake 3 on the easiest difficulty when I was 7. Thought I was kewl. Came back as an adult and can barely beat Xero on Hurt Me Plenty. Tried Nightmare but he's just an aimbot with BFG.

10/10 also I think the Ghost text on the can glows in the dark a little.

I think this a lot. Honestly, I can't differentiate between what is just being ok/happy and what is hypomania. I'm still not sure. I assume everything that isn't crushing depression/sadness is hypomania. Is there a way to tell the difference since you seem to have it figured out?

Personally I have no idea. I've never had the lemonade itself I'm just a citrus fiend.

Because it was never fun in the first place. Bam.

Not trolling, this is my favorite energy drink of all time. Though no one around me likes either.

Not a popular opinion, Bloodborne. Easy question. DS3 is my favorite game of all time. Elden Ring was insanely good and has so much variety. I could see how Sekiro has been beat so there's not much new to do there but I have so much time into it and it has the hardest boss I've ever fought in any game ever. Bloodborne just never really clicked for me.

I don't think it's about enjoyment. It's about winning right? People play games all day for fun without influence but like Dark Confidant says, greatness at any cost.

My girlfriend just left my house about a half hour ago then ib saw this. She came over to break up with me. Weird how the world works.

Bam. Dead on. I always say MD and IW are the worst two and they're still awesome.

Garret: four towers of Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire.

Civvie: Stupid...pretentious hipster wizards.

Episode 4 of Thief?

Followed closely by "Why not call it a double barrel shotgun instead of super shotgun? Cause it's better than that. It's super."

Pro Doom 2

Sekiro. Honestly. Not a fan of Bloodborne. I'm so spoiled by DS3 and Elden Ring rolly combat. It's how I like to play.

The remote hacking. I just remote hacked everything.

Im pretty old and my favorite is common among oldheads who played the first one on PC way back in 2000. That one is my favorite but mechanically its dogshit compared to Human Revolution. My biggest gripe with Mankind Divided is the beginning and the fact that there is an aug that makes the game a cake walk.

Im big into fantasy. Sci fi, electronics, robots, space, aircrafts, pretty much anything that is technology based turns me off. I tried The Surge and aside from the combat being pretty mid the whole world around it i could care less about. Its the same reason Im dragging my feet on Magic the Gathering instead of jumping on the blossoming Digimon craze. I hate Digimon. Gameplay is better, more people playing it, cheaper pay wall, don't care. Do not like the universe setting.

Alpha Protocol. Objectively it was a clunky game. But it really made the "choices matter" feeling more intense than Deus Ex. Which the first Deus Ex is in my top 5 games of all time. But AP was gas.