Yeah I'm guessing her multi millions views on webtoon allow her to query one of the the big five, but I don't think nowadays publishers are that stringent about it. First Publishing Rights usually refer to the rights for commercial/for-profit print publishing, not just overall/any publishing. If you can snag quite a lot of views online (not even at millions mark, but tens of thousands), I think it can be leveraged in a query that the book has good readership potential in physical form too.

Heartstopper started off free on webtoon though, and she is now published with HarperCollins

I am suggesting a possibility, stupid. Not saying that you told me that. I'm saying that maybe copying from app vs copying from web page will lead to different link, that's why some links lead to synopsis page while others lead to particular chapters. Maybe where you copy it from will give different result.

Maybe where you copy the link from is what matters. Whether you copy the link from the app or the mobile website.

Still the synopsis for me

They both lead to the same page, what are you on about. They both lead to the synopsis section of the story.

Why do you assume it's original works that are filled with pedo content?

I think it sometimes does update. I have a masterpost for my story that has images (book cover, character "cast", etc), and I changed the order/positioning to be neater and the old reblog trails also got changed. But it doesn't happen on all posts that are changed.

Honestly don't know if it's a feature or a bug on tumblr, or how to even tell which post will have its reblog trails follow the change. I mean, it's tumblr. What do we expect lol

Won't work how? If you click it, it doesn't lead to the ao3 fic? Also, did you just copy-paste the link in the main body of the post, or did you set it as a hyperlink through an in-text word/phrase?

Block the post? How do you block a post??? You can block a user, but not a post. Even if you delete your post, the reblog trails are still gonna be out there on the blog of people who have reblogged from you, including the person you blocked. You can deactivate the reblog function for that one post, but that's about it. Nothing can stop anyone from simply clicking on your url in the post that's already been publically reblogged, and contact you.

You need to go to the shadowban/sudden inexplicable termination megathread here  and drop your (suspected shadowbanned side/mainblog) url in the comment for u/tumblr_acct_help to see. Shadowban issue cannot be made into its own post.

Bring back physical text-based menu books, not whatever QR bullshit restaurants always give you nowadays.

Oh yeah you're right. He doesn't look that similar from the front, but his lips and eyebrows are pretty much identical to Will Poulter's.

This movie is truly a masterpiece. You have to watch it. I'm still so mad she didn't win oscar for it.

No fucking way. They might as well be twins. There is no way you can convince me they're not at least closely related.

Oh I'd love to, I already have plans for pregnancy complications and dangerous delivery for my story, but the middle plot points I can't come up with. If you'd like other hurt/comfort angst stories that is not mpreg, my AO3 username is the same as my reddit one

Woah man, that is waaaaaaay crossing the line. Report it holy shit. Regardless of the picture being explicit or not, the intention is still to sexualize the kids posted in the pictures. That's gross.

Where can you buy them? I've watched some of their ads and they're really interesting. I just don't give a shit about playing the cards, but I never saw any book version.