No money. $300 dates for crap food. My province says common law kicks in as soon as 6 werks even when not living with each other. Let's say I make $500,000 a year. 50% to taxes and 50% to alimony. I literally would need a second job and would still lose most of that income too. Been through it once and will never ever be forced to pay for a human ever again. 

Bruce Willis sued Apple for the right to pass on his music on his iPod. Not sure how it turned out for him. 

"we don't care what Canadians think. By the time the next election roles around we'll have enough non Canadian votes to win" 

Been trying to like them since the 80s and get reminded every time. 

The difference is they died to fight political tyranny, we're dying to promote financial tyranny. If we stormed our beaches every generation would be lining up to kill us and protect the rich. Right and wrong died on the beaches. 

Skittles. Not sure what they were trying for with flavours but they missed on all 

Naw man. You're good. The boy just learned about grandma. I think the lesson will need repeating. 

Well. You really know me better than me. Thank you for letting me know my options and even more letting me know what I choose. I wish I could be like you this would be so helpful. Don't feel bad. People like you brought us here. People like me are trying to fix it. Keep hating. It's working. 

Nope. That would be your eyes finding the simplest solution to a complex saying there are three "no solutions" to choose from. He is just one. And this is his sales pitch. Short, simple, monosyllabic. 

She was a people pleaser, I probably would have manipulated or pouted my way into laziness. In my defense I was a young 20 something. I might have out grew it but I doubt it. I'm certainly no clean freak now. 

This will probably be an issue until at least Christmas. Maybe spring. The speed of Calgary city workers will not be affected. 

It was near the end of year four. I took a good hard look and realized I was becoming a piece of crap expecting her to cook and clean. I was becoming Mr 1940s in a world that was moving on. I needed her to get rid of me. I wasn't going to grow and she would have tolerated it. Sorry for the crap I gave you. I did grow. 

He probably didn't go to Weinstein's hotel room. Took Courtney Love's advice and it cost him his career. 

My manager refuses any and all raises because more expense means less bonus. Capitalism rules.

The World According to Garp. I saw that movie way to early in life and have carried it with me since. 

You know what would really make me happy?

Another couple of balls and an extra set of fingers?

"look, I don't have my good book learnin like Julian but once I get my grade 10 I'll be able to talk all smart"