Can you join a union? It’s good to have a representative who knows your rights give you some support.

You come off as very demanding. If you are still on probation at work, you might find yourself fired as not being a good fit.

Better to step down and be a guest. Like the bride said OP is causing too much stress. First the dress then the hair and makeup. Just relax as a guest and don’t get cranky at the bride.

There is no winning with any system. Leave the child in danger or alienate the parents/ other family. Child protection officers go through so much burnout. The child dies, why wasn’t it removed.

Hey you are aware now. Otherwise, it could just be escapism. How different would your life be if you were pregnant.

Well it’s like you live your life. My sister wonders why I look so young. She thinks I don’t live a stressful life. My stress is the same as everyone else. I just live quietly.

Because it’s a hassle to take off shoes. Then you have to smell peoples foot odour.

Been in a lot of relationships, once the lust fades at 6 months, they are over. The one I’m in now is the best. Lust faded but the friendship was still there and lasted.

I’d like to see those little hearts floating around peoples heads but seriously love should look like best friendship. Where you care about the other persons feelings and they care about yours without having to make demands. It’s easy and natural.

He’s on something. Makes you wonder about his voters in New England. They always say the media is picking on him.

YTA you are at her workplace causing drama. Talk to her about it later like an adult.

Just make him wear a condom. It’s safer for you and no drugs required.

She has recordings, maybe you need security footage from hidden camera’s.

I’ve tried the keep talking approach and it’s hard to hear yourself think. The boss sounds like a big picture person who sees your politeness as waffle. Try point format you might have to tell him to shut up like a teacher would. Ask him if he would like to present or let you continue.

If I was throwing the party then I pay but people don’t mind bringing stuff. If others throw the party for you then they pay.

You have looked at every option and know you can’t do it. I know your cousin is disappointed but you have to know your limits.

It will be over before it’s even announced on the news.