It may have taken a few years, but it seems Noelle has finally learned the correct spelling of “dining.” What’s next? “Probably” instead of “prolly??”

I think she’s pretty, but her makeup is SO comically messy it’s insane

Imagine Rach sitting through Oppenheimer 🤣 “it’s giving bomb” “nuclear vibes”

Another day, another batch of Rachel gym stories. I think the reason her “fitness journey” feels icky (besides the constant body checking) is that she only started sharing it once she was seeing results. I’d probably find it more inspiring if she had posted about it back when she'd started in September. Idk. Still boring content either way tbh 🙃

the whole thing sounds like it’s peppered with lies. he says he told her he was looking at motorcycles when he was actually looking at venues, but then he did buy a motorcycle?? so all that time “looking at venues” wasn’t even true, because he clearly spent some (or all) of that time looking at motorcycles? none of it adds up 🥴

She shouldn’t have to homeschool her kids to keep them safe from guns.

Hearing her talk on stories makes me feel like I’m actively getting more stupid so this should be interesting


Every day, Rach becomes more and more like Jenna Maroney. You can’t even see her eyes under those fake lashes at this point

Her makeup is always so sloppy, I can’t imagine how strange it looks in real life

Brooklyn Bridge is such a good suggestion, it would be much cuter if he was there waiting with one of those cheesy diamond ring balloons as homage to her years of bday balloon posts there. But also he’s gross so that would be too sweet for these ghouls

What the hell is that vile poop game Steffy’s showing off in her stories? I could have lived without knowing that existed 🥴

Steffy always seems like she’s so obliviously rude in public

They don’t wear masks on the subway either even though it’s required so that checks out

There are literally signs and announcements saying you have to, and the people not wearing them are being rude and irresponsible. Congrats on being one of them?

Came here to say exactly this. It’s still required but of course that doesn’t apply to Leo!

Someone I know (not on this thread) replied to one of his stories from a BLM protest to ask him to stop posting photos of protesters’ faces and he blocked her. But sure, he’s all about ~learning and growing~

What I would give to see Rach eat salad on Caroline’s floor 😭 RIP the tableaux

Based on the weirdness of her stories it feels like she’s been very drunk for 24 hours straight

Also isn’t Noelle’s Greenpoint apartment a rental? That wallpaper + beadboard sure doesn’t look temporary 😵‍💫

Steffy’s omakase dinner was $400 per person 😳 not even judging how she spends her money, I just can’t imagine dropping nearly $1K on a dinner for two

I was curious too so I looked it up and her dad is the CEO of some bank. She probably makes a lot of money…but I doubt she has college loans or can’t get a quick gift, and that’s what you need to buy in your 20s in Manhattan

The fact that none of them were at a single show is a pretty good indication