WTF are you talking about? The remix is certainly more complex than the book as written (which is extremely linear and completely ignores 4 whole chapters... in an 8 chapter book), but it's hardly "punishing yourself".

it makes using a potion in combat almost worthless.

Yeah, that's the point. Healing period in combat is bad. On purpose. That was a design goal for the edition.

Using a full action is too costly so healing potions become almost worthless.

It doesn't make them worthless, it means their use case is different from a video game. You use potions to heal up after combat is over, not in the middle of combat from your hotbar.

The measure of the real numbers is equal to the measure of the irrational numbers, therefore 100% of the real numbers are irrational.

But you already suspected the answer dealt with measure theory, and handwaved it away because you don't personally use it. Meanwhile you attacked a strawman of "wantonly smash[ing] the numberpad" as a method for obtaining a random number, which anyone should be able to realize is not a method for randomly selecting a number from the set of all real numbers. It's not even a method for randomly selecting a number from the set of all rationals, nor even all integers.

My mother used to vote opposite parties for president and Congress, to try and make them unable to do anything and keep the status quo.

Now she votes Democrat.

I've baked plenty of bread at home. Even letting the bread cool and finish baking after removing it from the oven for the amount of time recommended by the recipe, cutting it immediately is worse sliced bread than when I cut it the next day. (On the other hand, eating it whole like if it's rolls or something is great.)

The mathematical representation for 100% would be every single point in the sample space, am I wrong?

Yes, you are wrong.

it is false to say that all reals are irrational.

Nobody said all reals are irrational. The claim is that 100% of reals are irrational. Those two statements are not the same.

When I was a kid in grade school, I was taught that the US is a melting pot and that it's a good thing.

As an adult, I see way too many people who didn't get that lesson.

I've heard plenty of Spanish in the Dallas area. I mean, you'll hear less of it somewhere like Highland Park (bougie area), but there are lots of areas with Spanish-speaking populations. (Also, it seems, almost every restaurant kitchen.)

Por Que no hablar ingles? Tu es en Estados Unidos.

To be fair, the US doesn't actually have a federally recognized official language. A majority of the population speaks some amount of English, it's true, but nearly 1 in 5 people in the entire world speak enough English to call themselves an "English speaker", and three quarters of those people do not have English as their native language.

Because there is no federally recognized official language, interactions with the federal government can be done in any language. Materials are often printed in several of the more common languages, and if none of those are a language you speak, the government can work with you to get you the assistance you need. (Some states do have an official language at the state level.)

Why were both coaches unsure how to deal with a deaf player? Surely at least one of them dealt with her on a regular basis?

Anytime someone has an accent or speaks broken English, they will regard it as "not speaking English".

Meanwhile in the other direction, a few months ago I had a big delivery to my apartment, and the driver launched straight into Spanish when talking to me; presumably, she knew very little English, if any. I haven't spoken Spanish in over a decade, but managed to string together "I speak very little Spanish" (in Spanish, full goddamn sentence, go me) and got her to slow down, and the rest of the words I spoke to her were broken Spanish sentences, proper nouns, and inserting English that I had no idea the translation for, like "app". Plus a lot of gesturing.

Nobody is out here breaking ECDSA or finding MD5 collisions.

Well, some people are. But it's a small minority of cases. Especially md5, which is long outdated.

How can you be so sure I didn't randomly select that number?

Well for starters, you literally don't have the means to do so. There does not exist a mechanism by which you can in reality select a random number from among the full set of real numbers. (Nor from the set of integers, nor any other infinite set.)

I would give you a 98% chance I'm randomly picking a rational for a demonstration of concepts

You seem to be equivocating the meaning of random, rather than arguing in good faith.

America was a Christian nation

Really? Because article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli says:

As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen (Muslims); and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan (Mohammedan) nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

It should be noted that treaties hold the highest level of legal precedent in the US, above even federal laws.

nations led by other religions didnt have nearly as much success

The US doesn't even crack the top 20 longest-lived nations, and several of them are still around and don't even have a majority Christian population, much less led by Christianity.

The Bible doesn't present a moral system though. It's got a list of "thou shalt's" and "thou shalt not's", but divine command theory has been known to be morally bankrupt since at least the 4th century BCE.

Abbott got 54.76% of the popular vote in the 2022 election, but won 92.52% of the counties, because the population of Texas is mostly packed into a few small areas. (Mostly DFW, Austin, and Houston.)

Do you think Stan was evil to give knowledge to Eve?

But Stan wasn't the snake. The snake was just a regular snake. Who could talk. And had legs.

Also, the snake only told Eve the truth, while Bob lied to her face. Bob told the very first lie in the universe.

Later on, Bob's son (who is also Bob) says that Stan is the father of lies, but that is itself a lie.

My rural southern school was handing out Gideon New Testaments the other week.

Was the school handing them out, or were they permitting Gideons International to hand them out?

The latter would be legal, so long as they gave all other religious groups the same option.

Yes, political polling has become increasingly less accurate in the past couple decades. For exactly the reasons you describe.

I'm not able to find it. Musk has two different tweets with the same structure in which he rails against "cis" and "DEI", so it's possible the right is attempting to turn it into a meme, but I was unable to find this specific tweet.

Barring extremely unusual biological freak accidents, pregnant people are, in fact, not fertile. Fertility refers to the ability to conceive, and you can't conceive a second child while pregnant with the first.

They're canon, but were somehow all destroyed. The fragments of the crystal sphere that once surrounded Darkspace are still there to be seen.