Yep - Sometimes you have students that you have inklings about their identity that maybe they haven’t figured out or acknowledged publicly yet. Over those 4 years you see them slowly grow comfortable with and finally accept and love themselves for who they are, it’s so freaking fantastic! Can’t wait to wear my 🌈Ally shirt on Monday for finals day!

Thanks Rollo! Not a sub but a full-time teacher of 17 years. Yeah, I see both sides. That joke in a vacuum spoken to high schoolers isn’t okay. But I feel that because of my relationship with my students is excellent, our relationship is usually based on humor and that I look like more the crazy lady from Baby Reindeer, it was quickly seen as sarcasm.

Yeah, I think the joke landed because of what I look like. A frumpy mom that’s maybe a 5, tops. I would never have said it if I actually believed it. You’re correct, talking about the attractiveness of students is not okay, but since I used it as a blanketed statement for all 36 of them and followed it with a smirk and a wink, it was fine. Everyone had a good laugh (pretty much at my expense because of what I look like).

If she was serious then yeah, that’s a shitty thing to say. Even if it was a joke, it’s a bad one implying that you’ll never be as smart as her. In reality, if you weren’t learning it well, then she must not have been that great of a teacher. It’s literally her job to make you understand it. When a bunch of my students do poorly on a specific test question, I know it’s my fault immediately. I didn’t teach it well enough or it was a poorly worded question. I hope you had some good teachers in there that made you feel important, smart and capable!

Several Teacher of the Year nominations make me think I’m probably doing something right. My students know me very well and know my sense of humor. They’re all young and put together and I’m a frumpy mom that is definitely not a 10. That’s what made it funny to me. I joke around constantly with my students and in 17 years have yet to hear that I’ve hurt anyone’s feelings or had one single complaint about how I run my classroom - If I couldn’t joke with my students, I would have gone insane and quit years ago.

Took them a second but then lots of jaws dropped and one kid said, “you can’t say that to your students!” and everyone knows all you need to say that is “¿No? Because I just did…Señor Cinco.”

“Listen up fives, a ten is speaking,” is how I addressed my high schoolers today.

Edit: My students know me very well and know my sense of humor. The joke landed simply because of what I look like - a frumpy mom that is so far removed from being ten. So in reality, it was a blanketed statement joke to 36 sixteen year olds but at my expense because it was sarcastic. Follow it with a simple smirk and a wink and you’ve got yourself 36 chuckling kids that are now fully attentive wondering what wacky thing you’ll say next. I joke around constantly with my students and many times it’s self-deprecating humor. In 17 years, I have yet to hear from students, parents, admin, that I’ve hurt anyone’s feelings or had one single complaint about how I run my classroom. If I couldn’t joke with my students, I would have gone insane and quit long ago.

A high school student (16F) told another (16M) that “someday you’re going to be that parent with kids that have perma-Kool-Aid mustaches and crusty noses.”

The first time I heard that line in that episode, I was so surprised by it, the water I was drinking came out my nose.

I know the exact ones you’re talking about!! They’re my absolute favorite candy. Been searching for them for years and haven’t seen them or anything close since 2004ish? This is them, yes? (It’s only the box) Then I think they were sold to Farleys and had that name on top for a while. I called Farleys years later to ask and there was literally no one that could help me. Your parents are 100% correct. Smooth texture for sure. The peppermint is subtle and perfect. Kraft Buttermint box

The video of the Momma Bear trying to get her triplet bear cubs to cross the road gets me every time. The first time I saw it I was sleep deprived with a two year old and newborn twins. I burst into tears because I felt like only that bear understood what I was going through.

“Sodomy is a sin!” “So is being a hateful bitch.”

A lot of Sea Org members don’t even get paid for their work or if they do, they receive little pay like $50 a week. Unfortunately, a lot of the world’s greatest achievements were done with slave labor. Pyramids, Great Wall, ordering hundreds of Christmas Coconut Cakes.

He has an entire team of Scientologist assistants that are literally at his beck and call. Because he donates so much money, the church gives him whatever he wants.

I started teaching middle school in 2007. So many boys named Tristan that year.

Some women simply don’t know how to function without drama or the constant push and pull of a relationship. Some people subconsciously thrive off drama whether they realize it or not. Daddy issues, being treated poorly in other relationships was the normal and now this dude is “perfect” and some women don’t know how to handle smooth sailing or believe they deserve that kind of unconditional safe love. That said, it’s a shitty thing to do to your husband, making it seem like it’s his fault for being so perfect. Just say you don’t feel the same way anymore. Don’t give him a fucking complex about all his great qualities combined being his one flaw.

Met my husband on OKC in 2008 and we were a 98% match. He is basically the guy version of me. Happily married 14 years, 3 kids (surprise twins in there), and very happy.

I bet his kids, 20 and 18, were ribbing him about not being able to handle it and this was how he responded. Commit to the bit. Well done, Mr. O’Brien.

Thanks so much! My kid woke up with a bad dream and I was a total nerd and watched both at 3:30 am and went back to sleep. Tomorrow, Hot Ones!