Lakefront Auto on Colborne. John has been our mechanic for 20+ years. The most honest person I know.

Why can't Caila Quinn attend one event or wedding without filming everyone for instagram? This would annoy me so much if I was at a wedding. It's so gross to do this.

John at Lakefront Auto has been my mechanic for 25 years. Honest as they get!

She is the queen of using other peoples news first for content. For example when she attends a wedding, rest assure Caila has posted the bride coming up the aisle before they say 'I do'. She once posted about an acquaintances child being gravely I'll asking her followers for prayers and it was so cringey she used it for content. Don't ever sit in a restaurant or hotel she is visiting or you'll be filmed eating and minding your own business for her content!!! She even shows her husband for content when he clearly is annoyed about her camera out and it's so obvious he has asked her not to. Did you notice the engagement post about her brother included several pictures that she is in? Because she makes everything about her.

Sometimes I just think I'm old or too old fashioned because I really don't get the whole posting concept. I just don't have the mentality to be doing something and think to myself "oh I need my phone to record and post this to random strangers". I just don't get it! But that is a me problem I'm sure lol. Good on you though for being conscientious and safe :)

Love this life for you!! You sound very conscientious of your surroundings so hats off to you!! I am not sure though if I understand your question?

I get this deeply. Milestones of surviving cancer is so emotional and a huge deal so I understand wanting to celebrate these dates. Sadly I still feel strongly about posting to family and friends and not strangers. Very good point though.

I am not familiar with this account but totally agree with you. I can't imagine growing up and seeing intimate moments of my childhood exploited online.

πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ absolutely agree. It is very similiar to Coogans Law. The Online Harms Act was introduced this year in Canada. "Coppa" Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule has been implemented in the US. I do find the legislation a bit hypocritical in the fact these laws protect the financial benefits of children of parents who monetize their accounts however making it unlawful to post a child under the age of 13. My question is how do you protect them financially (Coogans) but at the same time let them online? It is a bit confusing to me but at least it's a start. I have kids of my own and of course I would love to capture every moment for people to see but the danger of that supercedes this.

I don't think a personal account with family and friends following is as dangerous if private and not open to the public. Many studies have been done on influencer accounts where you have thousands of strangers following and viewing where they discovered, on average, 44% of viewers are males between 25 and 35. Why is this sex and age group watching strangers children online? For every 32 million connections to male followers for every 5000 accounts according to a New York times study. There are also studies of adult children traumatized and hateful of their parents for exploiting their entire childhood. As for your elderly family member being able to keep up with his family is awesome as long as it is a private account not open to strangers. Here is a profound video of a Dr Phil episode where he talks about the dangers of this.

I get it this is 2024 and social media is the new form of sharing however you can talk about your children without showing them. It doesn't take much to figure out where you live, where the children go to school etc. Personally, if I saw any of the children of people I follow walking down my street, I would know who they are. There is no way around this issue, it is scary and cannot figure out why parents don't see this. I work in law enforcement and do know for sure when pedos and traffickers are apprehended, ALL keep files on their hard drives of children they have collected from sm. Parasocial relationships are real. If you just glance at the comments on influencers posts, strangers are literally commenting on their kids albeit good or bad, they are inquiring about your kids. It is creepy. The internet is a pedophile's playground.

The truth is iinfluencers who use their children in their content and are monetized are supposed to set up trust funds for their kids, it's the law. Also legislation is in the works to protect children from being on social media. A few states have already implemented this so it won't be long and you wont be able to show your kids on sm and it's about time. How these parents do not see how dangerous it is to show your kids to thousands if not millions of strangers is beyond me. Never mind the excuses "I just want to document these memories". No one said don't capture moments with your kids but share with loved ones and not strangers. Kids cannot give informed consent and raising them to act for the camera is sad. Not to mention, parasocial relationships and stalkers and pedophiles are all over the internet. It is your job as a parent to protect your children at all cost and you're not doing it!! If you knew a pedo was in your local park, would you send your kids there to play? NO! So why would you put them on your sm for strangers and sickos to see. Not one parent can tell me they are not aware of the dangers of this, they just don't care bc it's all about content and money. It is sickening!

I admit I follow her for the wrong reasons - I just cannot figure her out. She is so awkward. When she does a taste of whatever on her stories, the food always falls from her mouth and I cannot figure out why this is her thing to do. Her latest post on how she is going to be absent on sm was so weird. It didn't last long!! Also, who cares?!!? I find her a terrible nutritionist/influencer. She does know her macros but she is a terrible rep of nutrition when you see what she eats in restaurants every night. She generally is a mystery to me and an annoying one. A few weeks ago she nonchalantly asked if she did more in depth food info, would we be willing to pay for it.!.!.

NOOOOOO, absolutely not. I've heard nothing since so I hope she got it that no one interested in her dumb content. I have a feeling she is sleeping around and really going to jump on the first man who will pay her way through life. She acts all cool and yet, one can tell she is desperate. Her presence on sm is so cringey. I'm wondering if she has a sponsorship with trader Joe's? How does she afford her lifestyle?

Caila Quinn - filming her daughter falling asleep in her 'ridin-car' in the kitchen. Yes, it is cute but I find it deeply disturbing when she says share this post with anyone feeling the same way. This is so crazy to me. It is one thing to exploit your child continually on social media knowing predators watch this type of child content, but then to double down and want it shared is beyond dangerous!! Why do these people not get that your duty as a parent is to protect your child. Fail!!

Also, her friend KCung, NO ONE needs the visuals of pumping bottles hanging from her breasts!! Yes, pumping and breastfeeding are normal - but come on.....this is ridiculous to post this. I said what I said.

These two need cancelling. Her describing her sex life, sucking his toes and all her kinks on national tv is discusting

Call Comfie Cat Shelter. My cat went missing last week and someone had turned him in to that place. I hope you find him :)

John at Lakefront Auto on Colborne Street has been my family's mechanic for over 25 years. He is honest and below market price. He has never steered us wrong. Highly recommend.

I sent this one day and you can see her response followed by her blocking me. I guess the truth hurts and you don't want to protect your daughter.


I follow her and every day, I tell myself I must unfollow lol. I think I keep glued to her page because I'm in awe of how this woman has a following (unless everyone is stupid like me). All I hear from her bathroom each morning is I I I me me me and we are so busy! Oh, let's not forget the pumping!!! Oh and putting the house to sleep at night. I don't get it, she has to be the most boring person out there.

Hahah no problem. I was just confused wondering what I had done. Thank you for saying this. Honest mistake :)

I really think you have confused my comment with another poster. I never spoke about any of the other wives

Ohh this makes so much sense. In a way, it's like placating them. Thanks for educating me in this. It's really interesting to me.

This is what I have been discovering while reading a little about it. Unhealthy is a good way of putting it.

I was just re-reading your comment to me. I'm sorry you may have misconstrued what I was saying. I kinda feel your tone is a bit harsh seeing as I never implied anything about "flawed" or not liking Christine. I just wanted to clarify.

Oh okay I think I understand that better now so thank you. I like Christine. Sometimes I am just projecting onto Christine because I find too much Christine makes me exhausted lol in a good way. I follow her on IG and every so often her story will come up and she yells 'Car Chat' and it startles me haha.

As for that fight that day on Christine's porch, I felt so proud of how she handled Kodys outburst. I could tell she had long ago disengaged from him and was checked out. It was so admirable of her.