Ugh. Why is everyone trash? Sometimes I feel like I should only watch Mr Roger's Nieghborhood and listen to LL Cool J bc those are the only two people I feel won't let us down and end up being trash .

I appreciate what he does. He lends his name to small budget, local productions, shows up for a day for the filming, a day for media and local films get to advertise a big name and face for their movie, getting attention they otherwise wouldn't get. He did it for a horror movie filmed locally and it was really neat seeing the film get all kinds of press.

Probably just a general increase or a promotional rate ending. The internet at our office has gone up $50 in the last year for just "corporate profit" reasons.

He's absolutely horrid in The Way Way Back.

I couldn't remember exactly what he had done that my brain remembered him turning into a douche, but that would do it!

I'm late to post this, but I've heard this said about undecided voters "An undecided voter walks into a restaurant and on the menu is: chicken and a shit sandwich. They ask the waitress, "So how is the chicken prepared?"

Personally I think a lot of "undecided" voters are decided but don't want to defend their choice (much like Republicans that hide their political leaning on dating apps to try and escape the consequences) or have simply decided they don't want to put forth the effort to do real research and make a tough decision but know that saying you don't care to vote gets looked down upon. So they all pretend to be undecided.

I also think this meme also has the added benefit of some people not getting it, so they have to ask about it which is more people sharing it and talking about it than if it was just people that thought it was funny sharing it. Just a pic of girl with Hawk Tua in white meme letters and no reference is confusing to a lot of people. Any share is a good share. And all that.

"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." George Carlin

Is thar better or worse than the idiots wearing Real Men Wear Diapers Trump 2024 shirts wearing fake diapers over their pants after the news kept reporting that Trump stank like soiled diapers during his trial.

It's possible that a place needed cleaned and walls needed painted after someone moves out. Some people are gross pigs. It's also possible the company are douches and are using your security deposit for wear and tear. Do you have detailed pics or video showing you left the place clean and that the walls were free from damage? To get your security deposit back, youd have to sue in small claims and show proof the place was clean and damage free if they won't give it back on their own after you show proof.

Washington County is not the only County that is doing this. I'm reaching out to the ACLU after reading this and speaking with our minority Dem Commissioner. I've been complaining to groups and questioning our Election Director about this every year.

It's sci fi, but WTF. WTF? WTF!?! was me through the entirety of Predestination. I can not think of a more WTF movie.

It might seem obvious to most, but be sure they keep the proof they paid. I always see people say they paid with a money order but didn't keep the receipt tab so they have no way to prove they paid.

I had a pair of the "nicer, cuter" crocs that I used to wear and slipped on wet surfaces so often that I wondered how people wore them for work. They can be dangerous!

Ugh. Union Grill was one of my favorite places to go after Phipps. Yummy, huge fresh salads and when I wanted to not be healthy, yhe UG fish taco. Why do these owners gotta go be assholes?

Lots of suggestions but I think you'll enjoy Fresh. It was one of the best I saw in 2022.

Honestly it's the perfect time. Order a bunch of Maga stuff and Real Men Wear Diapers flags super cheap from China, and then set up a booth in a parking lot, fair etc. I know someone that did this in 2020 and donated the profits to Democrat candidates. Those idiots buy anything and everything.

Did you have insurance when all of this took place?

In any case, this is not surprise billing which is for example: You go in for a surgery. You've checked with your insurance, the hospital, your doctor and the procedure are all covered. What you didn't know, is that they brought in an out of network anesthesiologist. How would you have known or had any control? That's why they now don't make you pay for that.

It's your responsibility to check your insurance coverage ahead of time to be sure your exact policy covers whatever produce or exam you're getting.

If you had insurance at the time, work to have the doctors office resubmit. Otherwise work out a payment plan with them. You can question them about whatever diagnosis you don't believe is correct, or get a second opinion.

Mine, too! I have three hummingbird feeders, bee balm, Salvia, canna, petunia etc and I've seen one that merely traveled through my yard but didn't stop :(

It would be awesome if OP could post a pic though! Hummingbird nests are so dainty and small.

Yes, they allow you to use it with the expectation that you will work the entire year. This means you're able to visit your family in the Spring and take that cruise in the Summer, instead of waiting until October or whenever to actually earn the PTO.