Creepy, closed in view looks demonic, see the eyes ?

Just hanging out Wanna go climb trees ?

 I've seen the good, bad and Definitely the Ugly.I actually had a demonic entity climb on top of me years ago while I was trying to go back to sleep around 10Am. Scared me to death. I could feel it's heaviness on me and it grabbed my c-pap hose and was moving it around. Once I could think again, I called out for Jesus. It ceased immediately. I couldn't see it, but it Scared me to death. My house has a little of everything here. In order for me to sleep well, I play gospel on my TV low. 
   I don't think that possessed doe has anything to do with the old graveyard. But, it would be cool to do a Deep dive on the old graveyard. I would never go to that gas station at night again for nothing. I would probably put up a trail camcorder over by where you've seen that freaky doe at. Animal's can become possessed, but it doesn't happen often. I like seeing the angelic side of the supernatural/ paranormal. If you've never encountered it, I can tell you, it's Amazing.
     I can also say, that were living in the end time's. Alot of people are going to be seeing, hearing and witnessing strange things occurring. Good and evil.So, be careful and don't go around that creepy area at night. Let me know if anything occurs...

Good for you. The struggle is real. Mine our now 41,38 and 36yrs....