Learning piano on a phone

Does anyone have tips on how to use a keyboard on a phone whe you're not a very talented pianist (when you suck) ?

Because the point is that the worst the bear can do is kill you. But of course you're still gonna be fucking scared like do you expect her to be like "omg a bear at least it's just gonna kill lol" ??? No because in real life you're scared when a bear come too close, just like you're scared if a man you don't know come too close to you alone in the woods. You're scared of both situations but not for the same reasons

I've been watching one piece since I'm 14 bro

Un trou est un trou. Attrape une échelle.

Why is hot water more bearable than cold water?

I'm trying to do cold acclimation and it requires getting used to cold showers but it's horrible 😭. Hot water just feels soooo goood and I can reach the point where I almost boil but it still feels good. But cold water on the other hand feels like being punched right in the heart.

I don't know if it is the best place to post thisnsfwContent Warning: Suicidal Thoughts / Self Harm

So I when I was in high school I've accidentally hurt a girl with a sharp pencil. I felt pretty bad and sharpened the pencil and made it even sharper and stabbed myself in the arm repeatedly until I bled a lot. I thought that this way she would resent me less and that we would be even, but instead, everyone started telling me that it was scary to do that and not at all normal. And yet I don't know where the problem is. Of course the person I hurt doesn't feel better but at least I feel the pain I caused them. It's an habit that I've kept, every time I hurt someone physically (it's never on purpose) I hurt myself a bit more worse. I still consider it pretty normal because I think I deserve it. I don't hold the same opinion about other people tho, like if a friend was doing what I do, I would be concerned and tell them to stop because it's kinda dumb and dangerous, but I'm just fine so I don't see a problem. And the only time I think things went a bit far is when I left my little brother unattended and he almost drank bleach in the bathroom and my mom beat the shit out of me. So I've poured myself a little glass of bleach and drank it all. I had a gastric bypass and my mom hit me again when I got home from the hospital but it wasn't much . It was an indescribable pain but I wouldn't have never forgiven myself if something had happened to my brother. I don't have any diagnosed mental issues except for DID, BPD, an eating disorder and body dysmorphia. But I don't think these are real or anything because... Well I just don't think it's real and I don't want to be a shitty person and use them to justify my shitty behavior. And also false diagnosis are so common that no matter how many I've had I think they're all wrong and the so called "doctors" would do anything to have money in their pockets. But yeah, I'm posting it here because my friends recommended me to because some people might go through something similar. But in my opinion, I don't have any mental issues or whatsoever and I just need to stop being such a piece of shit lol. And for my friend I hope you see this and yeah I've followed your advice . Now we wait.

Why do some people take their children to naturist camps?

The other day I was watching this french documentary about a naturist and it was pretty good until I noticed that a lot of people took their kids with them and that just made me really uncomfortable. Why would you take your child to a place full of naked adults? Or worse, why would you expose your kid naked body to all these unknown people ? Isn't that a bit concerning? I don't have anything against the community, adults enjoy their things but it wouldn't feel comfortable bringing my 6 years old sister in such a place. I heard people saying that it was really unlikely that some of these naturist can be child predators, but WHO knows how to tell if someone is a predator or not? We learned that it could anyone, especially family members so idk, why??? Again, nothing against the community I'm sure they are wonderful people but yeah the idea of kids being naked in the middle of also naked adults doesn't exactly make me happy lol. But yeah I'm here to learn so if anyone wants to enlighten me about it please do.

Watch Neon genesis Evangelion. It'll give you hope about life

Please no, it feels like sacrilege to adapt this in any other way than it already is.

I should have precised that in this case the offender is 100% guilty like in the case of people who record themselves abusing kids