belly button, but mostly because she had to pierce through a lot of scar tissue 💀

not really their early work was a little bit too scene for me 🤔

i more prefer sending voice memos than receiving them. but also still like getting them(makes it easier to understand the meaning of what my friend say), and i usually send them on snapchat so i can read the transcript while im sending mine if i forget what they say(which i usually do)

yep exactly that. voice memos give me the time to think and respond like a text and then able to express my tone like a phone call. and it helps me express better in general because sometimes i don’t really know how to word things in text to where they make sense. plus if i mess up on my words i can just restart. also then im able to get everything out i want to say without interruptions

texts and voice memos are my favorite. hate phone calls, too much pressure on it

just because they say he isn’t doesn’t mean he isn’t. literally everything about his needs and struggles he has screams autism. and tons of autistics(🙋‍♀️) relate to him aswell

there’s no manipulation? i was “just saying” because like i said, not very known information. saying it like a fun fact but since it’s not fun, i said not so fun fact. and i did not know that, thank you for teaching me something new :)

i didn’t even say they were using the “wrong word” i was just saying information that i know. and information that a lot of people don’t know. a lot of people don’t know that asperger’s syndrome is out of date, same way a lot of people still use ADD for adhd inattentive type because they just don’t know it’s not a term used anymore. and another thing a lot of people don’t know is that asperger’s syndrome was created by hans asperger who was a nazi that did testing and experiments on people. i highly suggest researching about it, and then you could see why so many autistics don’t like people using that term anymore :)

why are you being a dick, wasn’t even talking to you!

not so fun fact: asperger’s syndrome is an outdated term created by a nazi

yes!!! i had asked spencer if there would ever be a miw ink collaboration in the future at a panel last weekend and he said it’s a possibility 🫢