Ditto us geriatric millennials !

Honestly as a 41 year old new mom to a 6 month old, living in a red state that just banned abortion after 6 weeks, we basically tried one last time last year after a long time of trying (with the understanding we’d give it one last go and if it wasn’t meant to be, it would suck but we’d be content just us two) and it finally happened and now both shops are permanently closed for business and it’s entirely based on the lack of social safety nets for families and the removal of my bodily autonomy and agency thanks to Dobbs and all that has followed.

My pregancy was really difficult and our baby was born at 32 weeks and the cliff notes are that crystallized for us instantly how nope, no more pregnancies and no more babies—admittedly we’d been 98 percent set on one and done, but giving birth in a red state clinched it for us. All to say, I do think you have to factor that sort of thing in.

Mostly I just want to commend you on the thoughtfulness with which you are considering another baby.

I just. Like, how much money and notoriety and insulation from the consequences of your actions and words for long enough does it take to lose your mind and get so high on your own supply?

Just mind boggling. I know he’s always been a problem but like, whoa, dude.

I’d love just one home. That’s it. I guess I should have been an influencer and a not a public school teacher, oh well.

Ooooo! The vent is totally my nemesis. I will try without and get a couple glass ones!

I’m using the plastic ones. I’ll try glass! Thank you!

Any bottles that don’t actually leak? (I’m glaring at you, my narrow dr brown’s bottles.)

I mean sure, but the rules don’t apply to them so it’s fine. See also: Apple Martin.

The grift is strong with MAGA-ers, she really could teach a masterclass.

I think so too and also it’s what a rich person chooses to name their kid because they know they won’t be judged for it on a job application down the road.

Maybe they lost track of time swapping air fryer recipes.

Just want to say: what a romp! Really enjoyed the entire season and game play. Easily the best season we’ve watched yet—cheers!

I absolutely hate LIV too and the idea that the Saudis are getting away with laundering money and their rep via golf makes my head explode.

mongrel is also a racist slur applied to people who are considered to be or who identify as mixed-race.

Yes!! That’s the way to do it! Give em the whole story, they will never ask again!!! Amazing.